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Lin '23: Brown is no place for hate

As a bright-eyed first-year, I was tripped and pushed on Thayer Street by a man calling me an anti-Asian slur. I was harassed and threatened by six teenagers on a bus who shouted that I had caused COVID-19. Hate crime figures have risen dramatically nationwide, increasing 13.4% in 2020 according ...

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Gaber ’23: Moving can be an emotional trauma

Since Brown’s student body comes from all 50 states and more than 100 countries, the vast majority of us have experienced the transitional phase of moving to a new place. Some of us come from distant time zones, while others live an hour drive away. No matter the distance, moving from one place ...


Letter: Noise enforcement can take many forms

We at the Providence Noise Project greatly appreciated the op-ed by Juliet Fang ’26, “We need to reduce noise pollution,” which we thought did an excellent job covering the sources and detrimental impacts of excessive noise in Providence and elsewhere. Unnecessary ...


Siddiqui ’24: What the UK can teach America about unity

Like most people in the U.S., my attention is focused on the results of the midterm elections. This year’s contest was particularly important, as, with results still pouring in, control of the Senate is uncertain. Given these events, my mind can’t help but compare the state of affairs in the ...

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Fang '26: No time to work out? Try exercise snacks instead

Though I’m technically taking fewer classes at Brown than I did in high school, I’m learning that the classwork rarely ceases. The constant stream of papers, problem sets and preparation for tests mean lots of long hours in my dorm and at the library sitting at my computer. What’s keeping me ...

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