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The Brown Bookstore will begin reviewing applications for a new director this week, said Assistant Vice President for Financial and Administrative Services Elizabeth Gentry.

Former director Manuel Cunard abruptly resigned in early February.

Gentry and several bookstore employees declined to comment on Cunard's sudden resignation.

"It's not something to be discussed," Gentry said about Cunard's decision to step down. "When it's a personal situation, it's not something we discuss," she said. "He did a lot when he was here. He's not here anymore."

The bookstore has been operating without a permanent director since Cunard's resignation, though Gentry said the Bookstore's management team has been under her guidance. Her position at Brown oversees bookstore organization, she said, adding that she is currently "standing in with the management team in place" until a new director is found to fill the vacancy.

Cunard, who could not be reached for comment, stepped in as director of the Bookstore in late November 2006, seven months after he resigned as director of auxiliary services and campus services at Wesleyan University, a position he held for four years. According to the Wesleyan Argus, Wesleyan's student newspaper, Cunard resigned to pursue consulting work full-time and to visit his daughter and granddaughter frequently in Virginia.

During his two-and-a-half year tenure at the Bookstore, Cunard oversaw the store's recent renovations and the opening of the College Hill Cafe.

Cunard has also held positions at Wake Forest University, Loyola University in New Orleans and Colorado State University. He was the executive director of the National Association of College Auxiliary Services, a support organization that fosters information sharing and the development of professional relationships in higher education.

Gentry said the search for a new director is currently underway.

"The position is open, and we are accepting applications," she said.

Though the final hiring decision will belong to Gentry, she said a search committee of people from around campus will provide input about the hiring. Her decision will be based on the committee's recommendation after applicants undergo a formal interview process, she said.

But Gentry said a final selection could take "another month or two."

She said it was unclear when a new director would be in place.



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