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Letters To The Editor

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Letter: Financial aid matters for medical students

In his recent column, Tasawwar Rahman ’26 makes it clear that medical school affordability is a major issue at Brown — which I know all too well. Four years ago, I walked through the Van Wickle Gates with friends I had just met over a PLME breakfast. We talked about how we’d attend the Warren ...


Letter: Remembering John Owen Habib ’24

John Owen Habib, 21, died on April 11, 2023 following a fall while hiking in Morocco. He was pursuing one of his greatest passions — traveling and exploring the world. For John Owen, the world was a place of extraordinary wonder: The more he could meet, talk and learn from people, the richer his life ...


Letter: Athletics are another important legacy of Pembroke

The April 9 article, “‘End of an era’: Exploring the legacy of Pembroke College”  omitted one important Pembroke cohort — student-athletes. As a result of the merger of Pembroke College and Brown University, intercollegiate athletics moved from oversight of the Pembroke physical education ...


Letter: Noise enforcement can take many forms

We at the Providence Noise Project greatly appreciated the op-ed by Juliet Fang ’26, “We need to reduce noise pollution,” which we thought did an excellent job covering the sources and detrimental impacts of excessive noise in Providence and elsewhere. Unnecessary ...


Letter: Brown’s response to antisemitism is lacking

he note containing “several expletives and violent threats against Jewish people” discovered Sunday at Brown RISD Hillel and the “swastikas carved into surfaces” around campus over the summer are incidents of antisemitism — nothing more, nothing less. By broadly linking such events to “incidents ...


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