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You've finally arrived on College Hill. For the next few weeks, you'll wander aimlessly around Thayer Street looking for Smith-Buonanno, Wilson Hall and Kassar House. Finding your way around campus is hard enough, so we thought we'd give you a roadmap for all the non-navigational issues you may encounter during your stay at Brown. Without further ado, The Brown Daily Herald's words of wisdom:

1. Explore. Brown may have lured you with its lack of requirements, but that just means you have more time to take classes you never thought you would sign up for. Try a class in art or computer science. Even if you don't fall in love with the field, at least you'll get to sketch nude models and spend hours playing Tetris in the Sun Lab.

2. If you're from one of those warm-weather states, invest in a good coat. Regardless of how cold it gets outside, you'll need it when you're studying in the basement of the Rock.

3. Join The Herald! At first, the Happy Hours might seem like the only draw, but eventually you'll come to love AP style, slow computers, pizza and extra-spinny swivel chairs.

4. Save your flex points for (a) sunny days when you can enjoy your Blue Room sandwich on the Main Green and (b) days when the Ratty serves Hot Ham on Bulky Roll — you've been warned.

5. Get off campus, especially while the weather is still nice. And no, Providence Place Mall doesn't count. Take a hike in Lincoln Woods, go apple-picking or jog to Seven Stars Bakery for a warm scone or a slice of olive bread.

6. When you are on campus, take advantage of what's here. Check out the art exhibits in List. Attend screenings and lectures, especially if you have to wait in line to get in. Or join The Herald and cover the lectures so you can get in ahead of the crowd.

7. If your roommate listens to Jessica Simpson all day and it drives you nuts, just ask him to use headphones. If your roommate's clothes are all over your side of the room and that bothers you, simply ask her to move them. If your roommate sexiles you six nights a week … well, then you should probably talk to ResLife about switching rooms.

8. Become an avid shopper during shopping period, and make extensive use of Mocha. Shopping isn't foolproof, but it's the best way to find classes that you'll enjoy throughout the semester. 

9. Take initiative. Brown is what you make of it, so reach out to professors, apply for fellowships, get involved with the Swearer Center and join a few student groups. The more you do, the more you'll get out of your four years here.

10. Let Brown lead you in new directions. If college is the time for anything, it's the time to do things you never thought you would do. Change your concentration, take a semester off, start a project in the Providence community. Your open mind will define your Brown experience much more than anything else.

Editorials are written by The Herald's editorial page board. Send comments to



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