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The following summary includes all major incidents reported to the Department of Public Safety between September 9 and September 29. It does not include general service and alarm calls. The Providence Police Department also responds to incidents occurring off campus. DPS does not divulge information on cases that are currently under investigation by the department, PPD or the Office of Student Life. DPS maintains a daily log of all shift activity and general service calls which can be viewed during business hours at its headquarters, located at 75 Charlesfield St.

Sept. 9

11:27 p.m. Officers were dispatched to the Fish Company to assist the Providence Police with an investigation involving Brown students. Upon arrival they were advised by Providence officers that two Brown students were involved in an altercation with Fish Co. staff and then with Providence officers. The two students were arrested by the Providence police and were being charged with disorderly conduct.

Sept. 11

10:20 a.m. A student reported three handbags with a total value of over $6,000 stolen from her room in Sears House. She had last noticed the bags on Sept. 10 at 4 p.m. and noticed them missing on Sept. 11 at 9 a.m. The room door was left unlocked.

4:12 p.m. A student stated that she had secured her mountain bike to the bike rack at Graduate Center Tower C on Sept. 6 at 8:50 a.m. She stated that she went to retrieve her bike on Sept. 11 at 9:30 a.m., and it was gone. The new Kryptonite chain and lock were still attached to the bike rack and were not damaged. She stated that the way she attached the bike may have left the bike vulnerable because if the handlebars were removed the bike could be freed without disturbing the lock.

Sept. 12

12:00 a.m. Officers responded with Providence Police to 212 Williams Street after PPD received a call about a loud party with revelers filling the street. When Brown police arrived, Providence officers were already on scene and actively dispersing the partygoers and closing down the party. Four renters of the property, all Brown students, were cited by PPD for violating the noise ordinance.

Sept. 17

3:09 p.m. Student reported his bicycle was taken from the bike rack at Marcy House, and that he was "pretty sure" he locked up the bicycle with a cable lock on Sept. 16 at 7 p.m. When he returned on Sept. 17 at 12 p.m., he noticed the bicycle missing.

Sept. 18

2:26 p.m. Complainant reported that half of her ice-cream birthday cake was stolen from a refrigerator in a common area in Sidney Frank Hall. The incident occurred sometime between 3 p.m. on Sept. 17 and 2 p.m. on Sept. 18. She also reported that other food items were also stolen from the refrigerator in that area in the past couple of days and months prior, that belong to other students that work in the labs on that floor. The common area room does not have a lock on that door and access can be gained by anyone.
Sept. 21

11:29 a.m. Student stated that on Sept. 19 at approximately 5 p.m. he left his backpack in the Sharpe Refectory. He remembered at 11:30 p.m. that he left his backpack and contacted DPS. Officers responded and were unable to locate the backpack. On Sept. 20 he went back to the Refectory and looked through the lost-and-found but the backpack was not there. The backpack contained a laptop, iTouch and one book.

12:23 p.m. Student stated her wallet was stolen from New Pembroke 4 on Sept. 16. She stated that she was at a friend's room with 15 other Brown students when her wallet went missing. She searched the room but could not locate the wallet.

9:40 p.m. Student stated that at approximately 9:40 p.m. she left her room in Bronson House and went to the laundry room. Her room door was approximately three inches ajar and the laundry room is 50 feet up the corridor. When she returned to her room approximately 10 minutes later, her laptop had been stolen from her desk. The laptop was unplugged and cords were left behind. There are no witnesses or suspects.

Sept. 23

8:30 a.m. An employee in Pembroke Hall reported that on Sept. 18 at 5 p.m. she noticed all the folding tables on the ground floor level. On Sept. 21 at 8:30 a.m. she noticed one of the folding tables on wheels was missing, and then on Sept. 23 at 8:30 a.m. she noticed another folding table with wheels missing. There are no witnesses or suspects.

Sept. 27

2:16 p.m. A resident counselor in Bronson House reported that at 10 a.m. she noticed graffiti depicting images of male genitalia and some words drawn in black permanent marker on a door of a room. She stated that she waited until 2 p.m. to speak with one of the residents of the room to find out if there was any reasoning behind the markings and found there was not. Neither roommate wished to file a complaint. Facilities Management was notified of the graffiti. There are no suspects at this time.

Sept. 28

7:24 a.m. Facilities Management employee reported five large cement flower pots on Manning Walkway were tipped over and one pot with a value of $500 was found broken.



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