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The following summary includes all major incidents reported to the Department of Public Safety between Nov. 3 and Nov. 11. It does not include general service and alarm calls. The Providence Police Department responds to incidents occurring both on and off campus. DPS does not divulge information on open cases that are currently under investigation by the department, the Providence Police Department or the Office of Student Life. DPS maintains a daily log of all shift activity and general service calls, which can be viewed during business hours at its headquarters, located at 75 Charlesfield St.

Nov. 5

12:26 p.m. It was reported that there had been a larceny of two chairs on Nov. 4 at the Rockefeller Library. The chairs were described as desk-type, with higher backs and wheels. They are valued at $650 each. Detectives are investigating the case, and there are suspects at this time.

1:11 p.m. A Brown student worker at Josiah's stated that at about 9 p.m. on Nov. 4 she went to the bank and withdrew $200, placed it in her wallet and continued on to work. When she arrived at work, she put her purse in the back room. She said when she woke up at about 8 a.m. on Nov. 5, she went into her wallet to retrieve the $200 to put into her safe, but there was only $80 in it at that time. She stated her purse was never out of her sight except for the time she was at work.

6:57 p.m. A Brown student stated that she went to eat at the Sharpe Refectory at approximately 5:45 p.m. She said she put her wallet under her scarf and went to get some food. When she returned to the table, she discovered her wallet had been stolen.

Nov. 7

4:48 p.m. A student stated that she placed her laptop on a table at the Sharpe Refectory and covered it with her backpack. The laptop was in a black case. She then went to get dinner. When she returned to the table, her laptop case and computer were gone.   

9:16 p.m. Student complainant stated that at approximately 8:30 p.m., he left Josiah's to visit some friends. At 9 p.m., he remembered that he left his book bag sitting on the floor in Josiah's. He then returned and found his book bag, but his laptop was missing.

Nov. 8

9:49 p.m. Two female Brown students stated they were in the basement level of the Rockefeller Library studying in a work station when they noticed a middle-aged male talking on a cell phone. When one of the females took a closer look, she realized the male had his penis exposed and was looking directly at her. The subject fled on foot. Officers searched the area with negative results. 

Nov. 9

4:20 p.m. A Brown student reported that his bike was stolen from Marcy House. He stated he secured his bicycle in the bike room on Oct. 30 at 3 p.m. When he returned on Nov. 5 at 5 p.m., he noticed the bicycle was missing. 



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