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The following summary includes all major incidents reported to the Department of Public Safety between Feb. 4 and March 4. It does not include general service and alarm calls. The Providence Police Department also responds to incidents occurring off campus. DPS does not divulge information on cases that are currently under investigation by the department, PPD or the Office of Student Life. DPS maintains a daily log of all shift activity and general service calls which can be viewed during business hours at its headquarters, located at 75 Charlesfield St.

Feb. 6

9:27 a.m. A student in West Andrews Hall reported that around 1:00 a.m. that she went to bed with the door unlocked. When her roommate returned around 9:00 a.m., she found both of their laptops missing as well as an iPod.

Feb. 7

12:47 p.m. A student stated that he hid his camera bag in the bushes in front of Caswell Hall and then went with his friends to shoot a film on the lower green. When he returned, he noticed his bag was missing. Inside the bag were a battery charger and videotapes.

Feb. 11

12:13 p.m. A student reported that she left her laptop unattended in Smith-Buonanno Hall for two minutes and saw that it was missing when she returned.

Feb. 12

2:20 p.m. It was reported that a large steel grate that covered the fireplace in Harkness House went missing at some point between Dec. 20 and Jan. 25.

Feb. 17
9:55 p.m. A faculty member reported that he parked his car at 7:45 a.m. on Bowen Street and Lloyd Avenue and returned to it at around 9:30 p.m. When he returned he found the passenger front side window broken and his cell phone missing. The Providence Police responded and took a report.

Feb. 25
12:05 p.m. A student reported that she parked her vehicle at 8:50 a.m. on Meeting Street. She returned to her vehicle at 11:53 a.m. to find the passenger front side window broken and a bag containing $500 worth of medical supplies missing. Providence Police responded to take a report, and she was later notified that the bag had been recovered.
1:19 p.m. A employee parked her vehicle at 10:30 a.m. on Meeting and Brown streets. She returned to her vehicle at 11:53 p.m. and found the passenger front side window broken and her GPS stolen. She was informed that the Providence Police already apprehended the subject and was told to respond to Providence Police headquarters to retrieve her property.
6:47 p.m. A employee parked her vehicle at 10:30 a.m. on Prospect and Bowen streets. When she returned to her vehicle at 6:40 p.m., she found the passenger front side window broken and her phone charger missing. She was later informed that the Providence Police had apprehended the subject and was told to respond to Providence Police headquarters to retrieve her property.

Feb. 27
11:16 p.m. A student stated he observed three subjects trying to open doors on the third floor of Chapin House. The subjects opened one door, and two entered the room. The student approached them, at which time they fled from the room, ran out of the building and sprinted down Thayer Street. The resident of the room stated that she had left her door unlocked with her laptop plugged in on her desk, and when she returned to the room her laptop was unplugged, but nothing was missing.

Feb. 28
5:36 p.m. A student reported that on Feb. 26 he locked his bike to the "Do Not Enter" sign at the corner of Waterman and Thayer streets with a chain and combination lock. When he returned at 5:00 p.m. on Feb. 28, his bike was missing. The Providence Police responded to take a report.

March 2

10:51 a.m. An employee reported that since the beginning of the first semester unknown persons have taken signs and screws from the Sciences Library.

March 4

10:05 p.m. An employee turned in a wallet to a Providence Police officer that had been initially turned over by a coach in the Olney-Margolies Athletic Center. The wallet was identified as belonging to a student and returned to him. The student stated that the wallet was missing 40 or 60 dollars.



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