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Drug bust at Georgetown

Police found a drug lab producing the hallucinogenic dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, inside a freshman dorm at Georgetown University this weekend, the Washington Post reported. Two freshman roommates and a visitor were arrested early Saturday morning after a student called police to the building around 5 a.m. because of a strange odor, according to the article. As a precautionary measure, 400 students were evacuated from the building at 6 a.m. while local safety officials evaluated it for safety, the Hoya, Georgetown's student newspaper, reported. The evacuated students were allowed back in their rooms later in the day. According to the Hoya, the three students could face up to $1 million in fines and 20 years in prison.

Title IX issues at Delaware State

Delaware State University reached a settlement last week in a class-action lawsuit filed after the school cut its female equestrian team for budget reasons, according to an Oct. 22 article in the Delaware Online. Federal law requires gender equity in sports, and currently only 42 percent of the athletes at the school are female, according to the article. Because women make up 61 percent of the student body, the settlement requires that university close a gap of nearly 20 percentage points by 2013.

Police banned from Egyptian universities

Egypt's High Administrative Court made a ruling this weekend banning police from the campuses of institutes of higher education, the Los Angeles Times reported Oct. 24. Professors at Cairo University filed and won a lawsuit in 2008 that barred police from campus after student leaders and faculty complained of law enforcement intimidation and intrusion into academics, the article explained. The Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry of Interior in Egypt both appealed the 2008 ruling, and their motion was struck down this weekend.



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