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The Brown Daily Herald publishes submissions in the form of op-eds and letters to the editor. 

Please send in submissions at least 48 hours in advance of your desired publication date, or as far in advance of publication as you are able. 

When you email your submission, please include (1) your full name, (2) an evening or mobile phone number in case your submission is chosen for publication and (3) any affiliation with Brown University or any institution or organization relevant to the content of your submission.

Submissions in either of these two formats undergo multiple rounds of editing as part of our standard process to make published pieces as clear as possible. Opinions submissions typically undergo four rounds of editing: They are first edited by an opinions editor, then by a member of the editorial board, then by a copy editor, and the final version is read by another member of the editorial board before publication. As the editing process includes fact-checking and verifying sources, we ask that you hyperlink sources for statements within your argument when submitting your piece. Failure to provide appropriate sources may mean we have to modify or remove unverified claims, because we cannot publish unsubstantiated information. These rounds of editing generally take place over the course of one evening, and you may have to respond to edits late in the evening. If you know you will be unable to do so, please mention that in your email and we will do our best to work with you.

Submissions to The Herald cannot contain original reporting. Submissions can build on reporting in The Herald, reporting elsewhere, official statements from the University or other groups and other reputable sources. They cannot break news or contain information that The Herald cannot verify.

All submissions to The Herald cannot have been previously published elsewhere (in print or online — including personal blogs and social media), and they must be exclusive to The Herald.

Submissions must include no more than five individual authors. The Herald does not accept op-eds with more than five authors or op-eds with additional signatories. All op-eds must include email addresses associated with each author. Authors' emails will be published at the end of the op-ed. 

The Herald will not publish submissions authored by organizations. Leaders of student organizations can be identified as such, but cannot write under the byline of their organization. Additionally, submissions cannot merely be advertisements for groups.

The Herald will not publish anonymous submissions. If you feel your circumstances prevent you from submitting an op-ed or letter with your name, please email to explain your situation.

The Herald typically only publishes submissions while it is in print. The Herald cannot publish all submissions it receives, and reserves the right to edit all submissions. Once your submission is published in The Herald, The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. owns the copyright to the materials. 


Op-eds are typically between 600 and 900 words, though we will consider submissions between 500 and 1250 words. Op-eds should advance a clear argument related to a topic of campus discourse. They should be written by members of the Brown community or relevant stakeholders in issues that are pertinent to campus life. Op-eds should not be written in response to or as critiques of The Herald’s editorial decisions, though they can present counter arguments to op-eds or columns published in The Herald. You can submit op-eds to

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor should be around 250 words. Letters to the editor respond to an article or column that has appeared in The Herald, or they critique or commend The Herald’s editorial decisions. The Herald typically accepts letters written by members of the Brown community or those covered in its reporting. You can submit letters to the editor to


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