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Valdes ’27: Coming to terms with the pre-med experience

A sulfuric puddle of yolk erupted against the fence, pooling in the cracks of the simmering Havana sidewalk. Having watched me nudge along the small, white “ball” for two blocks, oblivious, my cousins roared with laughter as I stood in shock at the mess on the concrete like a runny yellow punchline. ...


Chang ’27: What’s with all the cheaters in CS?

When I first came to Brown last fall, it felt as if everyone and their mother was a computer science concentrator. Sure, some people were pursuing economics, but for the most part, computer science seemed to be the new trend among students. Last year, it was the most completed concentration among Brown ...


Valdes ’27: Irony won’t save you anymore

It’s 2014. You see a picture of a toddler triumphantly clenching his fist to his chest with the superimposed text, “Ate spaghetti while wearing a white shirt. Didn’t get sauce on it.” You like a comment that says he has “just won the internet for the day.” It’s 2014. This is absolutely ...


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