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The Setonian

Najera GS: When we corrupt ourselves

Over 70 years ago, the great educator Robert Hutchins warned a graduating class about corruption. "I am not worried about your economic future," he told them. "I am worried about your morals…Time will corrupt you. Your friends, your wives or husbands, your business or professional associates ...

The Setonian

Nicholson '12.5: Modern love, revisited

Valentine's Day was yesterday. You, reader, are probably aware, as you spent the time either whining about it with friends or dressed in a cheeky outfit in the presence of your loved one. While we may be too affected to dress up for Saint Patrick's Day and too ungrateful to remember Mother's Day, it ...

The Setonian

Trupin '13: A Call for Consumer Activism

This February, as you head to the bookstore in search of a wardrobe that matches your school spirit, something will be a little different. A few of the Brown-emblazoned items will not be your typical Under Armour or Champion brand wear. You may see a hoodie or a tee that says "Alta Gracia" on the label. ...

The Setonian

Morris '88: Don't Ask, Don't ROTC: Why it's still a bad idea

Over winter break, Congress finally eliminated the discriminatory doctrine of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." We should be proud that one more vestige of legal discrimination has finally fallen away. Over many years, opponents of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps have asserted that the University should ...

The Setonian

Johnson '11: Walk a mile in my waterproof boots

It starts with a sinking feeling in your chest that moves all the way up to your throat. You're not sure whether to cry out in despair or to stoically weather the embarrassment. After a few seconds, a chilling throb of pain seizes your foot, making it seem to weigh six tons. What is drowned beneath ...

The Setonian

Rosenbloom '13: ROTC and the tyranny of the masses

Democracy and freedom are often assumed to be codependent. In truth, these two concepts are often in direct conflict. In many cases, majorities vote to rob minorities of freedom. This despotism of the masses can be seen throughout the world. It can also be seen right here at Brown.

The Setonian

Tobias '12: Solving a "sinning" state's budget

Rhode Island, like much of the nation, is facing a major fiscal crisis. The state has a projected 2012 deficit of $295 million due mostly to rising costs, declining revenue and the loss of federal stimulus money. In his recent opinions column, Hunter Fast '12 ("Just say ‘no' (to the nanny state)," ...

The Setonian

Yu '11: Tiger mother? Dragon lady

Over this past winter break, I realized, with some surprise, that my Chinese-speaking, Chinese literature-teaching parents who reside in China are not, in fact, Chinese parents.  How did I come to this somewhat random and seemingly illogical realization? I used my extraordinary skills to reflect ...

The Setonian

Fast '12: Just say 'no' (to the nanny state)

In recent years, Rhode Island's fiscal woes have repeatedly made national news. With a deficit of $427 million for fiscal year 2011 and a projected shortfall of $290 million for fiscal year 2012, legislators are hard pressed to engineer solutions to the budget crisis. Sin taxes — taxes on alcohol, ...

The Setonian

Walters '11: How we compete

In President Obama's recent State of the Union address, we heard repeated appeals to renew America's long-term competitiveness and to "win the future" against emerging rivals like India and China. Similarly, in the decade following Ruth Simmons' hiring as President in 2001, Brown has seen a heightened ...

The Setonian

Mayo '13: The ROTC answer

This past December, as the "lame duck" session of Congress rolled back the Clinton-era "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy regarding the service of gays and lesbians in the military, elite universities were encouraged to rethink campus bans on Reserve Officers' Training Corps programs that resulted from ...


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