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The Setonian

Sarah Yu '11: The graduate repining experience

The last 24 hours of my life have been filled with forgetting. No, I did not have any unfortunate experiences at Sex Power God, nor did I accidentally walk into a men's bathroom. Rather, I had begun the mind purging process that is necessary after any exam that requires one to "study" by rote memorization. ...

The Setonian

Simon Liebling '12: Kertzer's Brown, Inc. legacy

Announcing the end of a 45-year transformation from one of the University's foremost student radicals to a bureaucratic Brown, Inc. acolyte, President Ruth Simmons took the opportunity last week to praise departing Provost David Kertzer '69 P'95 P'98 for what will likely be his last administrative pet ...

The Setonian

Sarah Rosenthal '11: History - a history

Walking past the recent Sophomore Concentration Fair in Sayles Hall, I thought about what I would say to any potential history concentrators. Something along the lines of, "Want a concentration that will kick your ass every day of the week, will leave you pale and sickly from hours in the library and ...

The Setonian

On punishing ignorance

French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre once quipped that "man is condemned to be free, because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything that he does." But while some in the face of this truth use their freedom to illuminate the human condition, others among us use it to wear T-shirts ...

The Setonian

Hunter Fast '12: On punishing ignorance

French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre once quipped that "man is condemned to be free, because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything that he does." But while some in the face of this truth use their freedom to illuminate the human condition, others among us use it to wear T-shirts ...

The Setonian

Kurt Walters '11: Of Four Loko and liberty

If you've been conscious on a college campus or visited in the last month, you've probably heard of Four Loko, a popular new drink combining malt liquor, caffeine and somewhat questionable fruit flavoring. After a media firestorm was set off over the alleged danger of these drinks following ...

The Setonian

Lucia Seda '12: Halloween and Lady Gaga: a 'meaty' combination

It was that time of the year, when Brown students took a break from the usual stress of their classes to think about their outfits for the upcoming "holiday" season. No, it was still not the season to be jolly, but rather the much-anticipated "All Hallows' Eve." In between the talk about midterms and ...

The Setonian

Nicholson '12.5: Is politics a laughing matter?

On Saturday, October 30, so-called "rivals" Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert held The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. Assembled on the National Mall in Washington D.C, the event was intended to gather all sane, moderate humans who are tired of the inflammatory discourse so prevalent in the media ...

The Setonian

Sarah Yu '11: Actually, let's talk about sex

I spent my formative adolescent years at an absurdly secular and progressive educational institution. One very important thing that my school's curriculum did to prepare me for my journey into the real world was provide honest, effective and informative sex education.

The Setonian

Michelle Uhrick '11: Obama's roasting

Obama is in trouble. Our very own Rhode Island candidate for Governor, Frank Caprio, has made national headlines by telling the once wildly popular president to take his endorsement and "shove it." The independents who once voted for Obama are now backing Republicans by a 14-point margin, according ...

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