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The Setonian

Jeremy Feigenbaum '11: I support Chris Blazejewski

Too often, I hear students tell me that politics is always about voting for the lesser of two evils. Liberal Brown students sometimes complain that no candidate in a race fully represents their interests. And while I tend to disagree and believe that the Rhode Island Democratic ticket is filled with ...

The Setonian

Stephen Wicken GS: Be (mostly) true to your school(s)

"When some loud braggart tries to put me down," sang Mike Love in 1963, "and says his school is great, I tell him right away, ‘Now what's the matter, buddy, ain't you heard of my school? It's number one in the state.' " The Beach Boys' "Be True to Your School" no doubt meant more to teenagers ...

The Setonian

Manas Gautam '12: Subsidizing Ruth Simmons

Decision making is based on incentives. These incentives may be rational to some and irrational to others. Most of the attractive incentives and decisions we make are linked to survival and intellectual growth. However, there is a culture of self-doubt that is superseding the culture of growth and development. ...

The Setonian

Sarah Rosenthal '11: Smells like team spirit

It was a special night. For one night, and one night only, the too-tight pants of hipsters would be replaced by the too-tight pants of football players. A student body that treasures its apathy and ironic detachment would embrace an American pastime with corny whole-heartedness. Under the glare of the ...

The Setonian

Sissi Sun '12: Transfers appreciate Brown's non-corporatization

Four weeks into the fall 2010 semester at Brown, the group of new students specially invited to President Simmons's August 29 welcome speech seemed to be gradually adjusting to the new community. Among this new student group is not only Brown's freshmen, but also the University's newly-admitted transfer ...

The Setonian

David Sheffield '11: Inviting ignorance

Brown hosts many talks throughout the year. The lecture board brings in well-known speakers, departments hold colloquia and numerous groups and organizations get interesting people to talk about various subjects. This makes the University a livelier place — one with an exchange of ideas and discussion. ...

The Setonian

Deniz Ilgen '13: Show some spirit

The first athletic event I attended this semester was a men's soccer game against Providence College. Not a particularly zealous fan of soccer, I didn't expect to be enraptured for the entirety of the game. However, as the clock counted down, I found myself unable to tear my eyes away from the field. ...

The Setonian

Mike Johnson '11: From one lemming to another

Welcome to the recession. In just the three short weeks since we all arrived back on campus, we've seen an explosion of money-related articles and opinions columns published in The Herald. Brown students are pinching their pennies, and whenever one slips through our collective fingers, we're going to ...

The Setonian

Hunter Fast '12: A field guide to Thayer Street

On Thayer Street, the last remnants of warm weather often herald a panoply of activists handing out literature for causes reputable and otherwise. Thayer has recently played host to demonstrators for eight-time Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche.

The Setonian

Chris Norris-LeBlanc '13: Brown's conquistadors

In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. After him came Vasco da Gama, Cortés, Pizarro and a whole slew of other Spanish and Portuguese explorers who set off to find the "New World." In high school we learned that these were great men — fearless explorers, pioneers of their time. They set ...

The Setonian

David Sheffield '11: God and man at Brown

In 1764, a group of Baptists founded the College in the English Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Two and a half centuries later, we've changed the name and have few remaining vestiges of our former religious affiliation. The location of commencement, our motto and our seal are among ...

The Setonian

Terrence George '13: A lesson in responsibility

I started saving for college when I was three years old. Granted, I had no clue what college was for, nor did I know where I wanted to matriculate, but I wanted to go to college. I was a toddler on a mission, and dollar by dollar, I knew I was drawing closer to my goal.

The Setonian

Deniz Ilgen '13: Tradition: good or bad?

While Brown has been doing an excellent job of renovating the campus by remodeling the Blue Room and beginning construction on the Metcalf Lab, it needs to seriously consider refurbishing certain older dorms around campus. Not everyone enjoys waking up to scratched, dirty walls or viciously beaten up ...


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