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The Setonian

Sola '14: Is the United States the greatest country on earth?

When considering this concept, two quotations spring to mind: "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism, and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism," President Obama said on his 2009 overseas presidential trip. And the second: "Every ...

The Setonian

Corvese '15: Afraid of fraud

In April, Rhode Island held its presidential primary, in which new laws required voters to bring photo identification to polling booths. At the beginning of September, Democratic congressional nominee Anthony Gemma accused opponent Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., of committing voter fraud. And just a ...

The Setonian

Katz '14: Why Brown should have minors

Like most Brown students, before arriving on campus for the start of the semester, I spent time playing around on Banner. With two concentration requirements set, I had two courses to choose from among over 40 academic departments.  

The Setonian

Hudson '14: Obama's war on students

No president in American history has been as popular with college students as President Obama. Ironically, no president in American history has been as threatening to college students as President Obama. After investing considerable time and money in a college degree, students want to graduate into ...

The Setonian

Take care of day care

I'm not a parent. I have no plans to be a parent in the near future. But if I did, I would definitely have some core concerns about my childcare options should I choose to study or work at Brown. I'm aware of the struggles that working parents and student parents face in finding convenient, affordable ...

The Setonian

Eppler '13: Why college isn't irrelevant

Hard times tend to produce radical ideas, and the current economic crisis is no exception. Many observers have noticed the hardships faced by recent college graduates - limited job prospects, crushing student loan burdens - and suggested that the current American educational paradigm of college for ...

The Setonian

Heath Mayo'13: Should Obamacare be repealed?

When the 2,700-page Affordable Care Act stepped up to the plate and was passed two years ago, grand promises of increased coverage, lower costs and better outcomes that accompanied its passage all inspired a sense of hope. A few years removed from that excitement, deeper consideration of the act's long-term ...


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