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The Setonian

Tight races, new faces - R.I. voters hit the polls

Amid a national mood of voter frustration predicted to swing today's midterm elections in Republicans' favor, Rhode Island voters will cast ballots for key federal and state offices. As Democrats brace for heavy Election Day losses nationwide, the question of whether voters dissatisfied with the party ...

The Setonian

First congressional district race shows signs of narrowing

In the First District Congressional Race being decided Tuesday, Democrat David Cicilline '83 and Republican John Loughlin are locked in a competitive race to replace retiring Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I. Though the district they are vying to represent leans Democratic, poll numbers show a narrowing ...

The Setonian

Governor seat up for grabs

Ocean State voters will go to the polls today to choose a successor to Gov. Donald Carcieri '65 and determine the outcome of one of the most unconventional political races in the country this year.

The Setonian

Simmons receives award from NAACP

President Ruth Simmons received the Thurgood Marshall Award for "community and civil rights contributions" Friday from the Providence branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, according to an NAACP press release.  


Researchers find lunar surprises

The moon's surface is surprisingly wet and complex, according to results from NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, or LCROSS, mission published Oct. 22. LCROSS, which includes Brown researchers, intentionally slammed a rocket into the moon's south pole last October. The collision ...

The Setonian

State's interagency effort to target teen drinking

For as long as underage college students have found ways to drink illegally, officials have sought new ways to enforce the law. The Rhode Island State Police Department's Oct. 5 announcement of the Underage Drinking and Nightclub Safety Task Force is the most recent example of that pattern.

The Setonian

R.I. open to consolidation, poll shows

Rhode Islanders support consolidation of their many local fire departments, police departments, garbage collection and other public services, according to a recent poll. But a proposed commission to study the benefits and drawbacks of such a consolidation has yet to come to fruition.

The Setonian

Mayor hopefuls debate economy, education

Democrat Angel Taveras and independent Jonathan Scott kept the discourse civil Tuesday night during the first head-to-head mayoral debate of the general election campaign. Economic issues took center stage in MacMillan 117 as the candidates shared their plans for spurring employment, attracting businesses ...


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