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Maier-Katkin ’18: A reflection on the sale of WBRU-FM

“Strategic Options” was the title of a document I was given by my predecessor shortly after being elected general manager of 95.5 WBRU-FM in 2015, the fall of my sophomore year. The document laid out a narrative of the station’s steady decline, a few possibilities for moving forward and the strong ...


Metz ’20: Sen. Al Franken: Step down

After Leeann Tweeden revealed that Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn, had groped and kissed her against her will during a comedy tour in 2006, many commentators wasted no time accusing Democrats of hypocrisy amid the emerging Roy Moore scandal. Too often, they were right. Far too many on the left — including ...


Overall '19: Confronting the exclusivity of study abroad

In the final days of my sophomore winter break, I decided I wanted to study abroad. After researching different programs and weighing the options, my academic interests led me to an international relations program based in Amman, Jordan. One event then led seamlessly to the other: applying, petitioning ...

The Setonian

Pandit ’20: Generation Z and the future of American politics

“Trump is a relationship builder. It’s what he does well.” That was the answer I received from Mercedes Schlapp, a Fox News contributor, when I asked her at a panel discussion earlier this year why I should support Trump. I was hoping for an answer that would restore my confidence in the president ...


Guo '18, Huang '19: Talking straight about the Taiwan Strait

The year 2005 was one of the key moments in the history of a tense, sometimes violent standoff between mainland China, which calls itself the People’s Republic of China, and the island of Taiwan, which calls itself the Republic of China. Since the end of the Chinese Civil War and the flight of the ...


Steinman '19: The EPA’s gag reflex

A new report on the health of Rhode Island’s Narragansett Bay shows that it is getting cleaner as a result of decades of investments in wastewater treatment and restrictions on harmful chemicals. Though scientists are continuing to monitor the effect that this reduced pollution is having on the ecosystem ...


Raimondo: Cutting the cost of college textbooks

This past summer, I met a mom in southern Rhode Island. She was dressed for work, and her kids were about the same age as my son, Tommy. We started talking. She told me about how she dropped out of high school when she got pregnant, then later earned her GED. She worked a few different jobs at deli ...


Fernandez ’21: A colony in crisis

On Sept. 20 Puerto Rico was hit by category four hurricane María and has been struggling to survive ever since. Residents of the island face hours of long lines for food and fuel, and only 45 percent of the population has access to potable water in their residencies. The hurricane, along with the consequent ...

The Setonian

Slade ’20: Reconstructing fatness

Growing up fat, I learned 1,000 ways to make myself smaller. Yes, to run in the mornings, to side-eye sweets, to eat my vegetables. But it was not just about losing weight. I learned to avoid situations where my body might garner unwanted attention. I spent my time in the back or corners of rooms. I ...

The Setonian

Steinman '19: What we can remember from 'Never Forget'

When I traveled to Berlin with my family last month, my mom was so worried about violating German laws prohibiting Nazi symbols that she taped over the swastikas on the cover of her copy of “In the Garden of Beasts.” Imagine the effect, then, of passing by a stand of German newspapers bearing the ...

The Setonian

Burt ’19: The undeniable politics of non-profits

“Black L--lives Mmmatter,” read one of my students, sounding out a sign I had hung in our room at Providence CityArts for Youth, a nonprofit arts organization where I taught classes this summer. “Miss Marielle, what does that mean?” she asked. “It means the police are shooting us and Trump ...

The Setonian

Kumar ’17: Rescued from the hurricane

On Aug. 29, First Lady Melania Trump grabbed the national spotlight by opting to wear stilettos before departing to survey the damage wrought by Hurricane Harvey. Though she changed into tennis shoes upon arrival, the image of a luxury shoe-clad first lady preparing to greet Texans who had lost everything ...

The Setonian

Bustos '16: Contested claims

As a former high school and college student, I was privileged to visit the land at 300 Tower Street in Bristol many times. Every summer, the University hosts the Brown Environmental Leadership Lab, a two-week program for high school students. In 2011, I was a BELL student, and, in 2013, I worked as ...

The Setonian

Meyers ’16: Stop misrepresenting Brown student-athletes

It is always distressing to read an opinion piece (“Stop overvaluing Brown athletics,” Mar. 24) from a non-athlete who likely has little to no interaction with Brown’s athletic domain. It is especially upsetting to read such a response from a first-year who has even more limited exposure to the ...

The Setonian

Betuel ’16: In defense of Ivy League recruiting

In 2011, I had dreams of playing soccer for Brown. A player for a small-town club team, I had been on a series of select teams and won some state and country recognition. I loved Brown, but I craved the student athlete experience. And in fall 2012, I became a Brown varsity athlete. But I was not recruited. ...

The Setonian

Drury ’17: Cameron, Calais and unaccompanied kids

It’s estimated that 90,000 unaccompanied child refugees live in Europe. Last year, an amendment was passed by the British Parliament establishing a scheme to transfer 3,000 child refugees to the United Kingdom, though so far only 200 cases have been processed. David Cameron, who is speaking later ...

The Setonian

Braga '16: Brown at its best

Last Friday, on your way to class or while dining at the Ratty, you may have noticed a large group of young, enthusiastic middle school students taking in Brown for the first time. These 48 seventh-grade students attend Roosevelt Middle School in New Bedford, Massachusetts and were visiting Brown on ...


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