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Op Eds

The Setonian

Ali '18, Aung '19: Reach every mother and child

Last year, 5.9 million children from around the world died before the age of five from preventable causes. If we go back to 1990, the figure was a staggering 12.7 million children. Much progress has been made since those days, but clearly this is not enough. And these preventable deaths do not only ...

The Setonian

Mandel: Health Careers Advising is committed to students

The Health Careers Advising office at Brown is committed to a holistic approach to supporting students and alums interested in pursuing studies and careers in the full range of health professions, preparing them to be successful in an exceptionally competitive environment. Each year between 700 and ...

The Setonian

Kang '20: Taking control of student debt

Student debt is an epidemic that shows no signs of stopping. Past generations were once able to pay off their debts within a few years of graduation. But such a thing is unfathomable now. Students in the United States today suffer from over $1.2 trillion of debt. Brown is not an exception to this trend: ...

The Setonian

Ashley '18: Engineering should learn from computer science

It’s 8 a.m. on a cold Monday morning. My roommates and I fight the urge to stay under our warm covers and force ourselves out of bed for another long day of classes. We make it to Barus and Holley, open our notebooks, power through a 50-minute lecture and then get on with the rest of our day  — ...

The Setonian

Weinstein '17: Brown decides to chase its ‘peers’

The Herald reported on Provost Richard Locke’s P’17 new financial plan for the University Oct. 5. In the article, ostensibly about Brown’s fiscal situation, were several comparisons to what Locke calls our peer institutions. One of the purposes of Locke’s plan, according to the article, is to ...

The Setonian

Reyes '18: Leave safe spaces alone

I remember the first time I heard the phrase “safe space.” I remember how my ignorance motivated me to research its meaning. Through my explorations, I discovered that a safe space was basically just that — a place to feel safe, a place where you didn’t have to maintain a facade of tranquility ...

The Setonian

Murage '17: The tree on Bowen Street

Being more than 7,000 miles away from home, it is rare to find anything on College Hill that closely relates to Kangaita, Kenya. It is even more unlikely to come across something around College Hill that would also occur naturally in Kangaita — apart from the “touristy” paraphernalia some of us ...

The Setonian

Diaz-Loza '17: UCS members deserve a safe space

After reading Matthew Shorter’s ’17 op-ed, (“UCS needs to be transparent,” Sept. 28) in yesterday’s paper, I realized that the expectations we hold for our student leaders — and the necessity for their own safe space — needed to be discussed. Shorter began his op-ed by attempting to explain ...

The Setonian

Shorter '17: UCS needs to be transparent

The decision to close the Undergraduate Council of Students meeting to create a “safe space” for the student government — and thereby expel the press, specifically The Herald, as well as any other members of the public — is extremely troubling. The idea of applying social justice principles ...

The Setonian

Jacobs '18: Avoiding the free speech debate

With the immediately provocative title “Should Free Speech be Limited on College Campuses?” the discussion between Greg Lukianoff, president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, and Stanley Fish, visiting professor of Law at Yeshiva University’s Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, ...

The Setonian

Hyland GS: This is about Tyre King

This is about Tyre King, the unarmed black child Columbus, Ohio police killed last week. This is about Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old whose life Cleveland police ended. This is about Korryn Gaines, Sandra Bland, Natasha McKenna and Natisha Anderson. This is about Philando Castile, Freddie Gray, Walter ...

The Setonian

Galvan '16: Why I am pro-life

In high school, I never took the time to think through the issue of abortion properly, letting mantras like “my body, my choice” and “keep the government out of my business” take the place of honest searching for the truth. Yet for all the power my friends and I placed in these words, I never ...

The Setonian

Heck P'16: SJP should apologize to Brown’s LGBTQ community

In a recent op-ed, Brown Students for Justice in Palestine has insisted that its opposition to the sponsorship by Brown Moral Voices of Janet Mock’s canceled lecture was not anti-Semitic but was based upon worries about the “political implications” of that sponsorship. It would be wrong simply ...

The Setonian

Peters and Vann '17: Storytelling to transform gender norms

We believe in the power of stories, for better or for worse. In our society, the voices that most need to be heard are too often silenced. The stories we hear from men (primarily cisgendered men) are often told in a way that silence the voices of women and trans folks. White men’s stories in particular ...


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