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The Setonian

Letter: Columbus Day protestor showed hypocrisy

To the Editor:As a member of the Undergraduate Council of Students last year, I was present as Jerry Wolf Duff Sellers '09 came before that body to advocate changing the University's recognition of Columbus Day, on the basis that it memorializes racial injustice and perpetuates harmful historical inaccuracies. ...

The Setonian

Brian Judge '11: Oration on the dignity of the humanities

A caution to us future leaders of America: the recent financial meltdown and resulting misery was caused by very smart people who were very bad at thinking about what they were doing. It takes a mathematical genius to come up with the convoluted equations for pricing derivatives and mortgage-backed ...

The Setonian

Susannah Kroeber '11: 20-year-old octogenarians

I write this with all due respect to my former colleagues at the Brown Spectator and for my friends among the Brown Republicans. Despite my exceedingly liberal background, I find myself agreeing with their complaints about the dominant liberal discourse that pervades student discussion at Brown. I am ...

The Setonian

Will Wray '10: Crude justice

Beware: you are being recruited for a war--a deeply unjust war. It isn't fought with guns or bombs, but the consequences are no less dire. What is at stake is nothing less than the well-being of the nascent seed of international justice and the future of sustainable development in impoverished countries ...

The Setonian

Editorial: A day off, not a day on

Last Monday, a motley crew of kooks and food vendors, watched by a handful of bemused students, gathered on the Main Green to protest the University's renaming of Columbus Day as Fall Weekend. The congregation was heralded by an ingeniously postmodern flier campaign that omitted outmoded, deterministic ...

The Setonian

Letter: A welcome farewell to cloves

To the Editor:After reading Sean Quigley's '10 column on the banning of clove-flavored cigarettes ("R.I.P. cloves," Oct. 13), I found myself sitting on the fence as to whether he was actually taking the banning seriously or if the write-up was some sort of elaborate joke. He seems to wander in a fuss ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Fight for their right

We don't generally have a high opinion of harsh underage drinking laws. Students under 21 have, and always will, get away with flouting them, and harsh penalties for this behavior can have disastrous consequences. Arrests for even minor infractions can destroy students' chances of being admitted to ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Effect on target

Brown's administration, like any other, has its successes and its failures, and it deserves to be congratulated for the creation and continued improvement of the Target of Opportunity hiring program.

The Setonian

Fatima Aqeel '12: For the love of animals, and of meat

It is somewhat strange that I can never associate a cooked chicken on my plate with a walking, clucking chicken that I would otherwise never hurt with my own hands. It just doesn't inspire the same warm fuzzy feeling. No doubt, organizations like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and Brown ...

The Setonian

Mike Johnson '11: A plea for the removal of strings

I may be naive to hope that alumni still read the Brown Daily Herald in its online format on a regular basis, but perhaps members of the nefarious Corporation or our esteemed President still find time to peruse these pages, because as classes resume, exams loom and the leaves change color, quibbles ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Book smarts

Cooler weather and midterms signal that the fall semester is now well underway. As students' memories of a hectic shopping period and expensive textbook purchases start to fade, we would like to remind faculty members of an important matter of principle: No Brown professor should profit from the book ...

The Setonian

Mary Bates GS: Should I stay or should I go?

For most of your time in graduate school, there is little time for self-reflection. It is easy to get caught up in the details of completing your degree and forget about the big picture — that is, until you schedule that dissertation defense. Suddenly, the end is in sight and you have a decision ...


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