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Science & Research

Science & Research

Imaging study probes language acquisition

Children’s brains change in unexpected ways as they develop language, according to a new study conducted by researchers from the University and King’s College in London. The study was published in the Journal of Neuroscience Oct. 9. The researchers focused on the development of myelin, the fatty ...

The Setonian
Science & Research

Science & Research Roundup: Oct. 23, 2013

Student wins SACNAS awards The University’s chapter of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science won two awards from the national organization earlier this month. David Barrera ’15 was honored for his research on “the effect of heat stress on tomato plant fertilization,” ...

Science & Research

Model simulates blood disorders

A new model to represent blood circulation may offer a valuable tool in examining different hematological diseases’ effect on bloodflow. The model, developed by Professor of Applied Mathematics George Karniadakis and collaborators, sheds light on the details of blood disorders at the cellular level ...

Science & Research

Workshop spotlights biological drawings

A urine classification chart, a Renaissance-era classroom dissection and a pediatric skeleton walking upright along a grassy field were all images featured at the “Making Visual Biology” workshop held Thursday evening. The event, which united art and biology, was co-hosted by the John Hay Library ...

The Setonian
Science & Research

Art, science merge in STEAM tech project

About 20 students worked to design assistive technologies for people with communication disabilities during the “Speak Your Mind” workshop Thursday night in List 110. The event was hosted by STEAM, a student group formed last academic year that seeks to merge art with traditional STEM disciplines ...

The Setonian
Science & Research

Pembroke Center celebrates Lovelace Day

A University celebration of women in science started with a tweet and culminated in a five-hour website “edit-a-thon” hosted Tuesday afternoonin the Pembroke Center. Months ago, Maia Weinstock ’99 posted a message on Twitter directed at Anne Fausto-Sterling, a professor of biology and Weinstock’s ...

The Setonian
Science & Research

Science & Research Roundup: Oct. 16, 2013

Sudden Cardiac Arrest The Rhode Island Hospital received a $7.36-million grant from the National Institutes of Health last week to fund research on sudden cardiac arrest, according to an Alpert Medical School press release. During sudden cardiac arrest the heart ceases to beat, and blood flow to the ...

The Setonian
Science & Research

U. aims to grow faculty research

A post-tenure sabbatical policy, changes to the academic calendar and streamlined research reporting procedures are among possible new endeavors intended to increase support for faculty research, said Dean of the Faculty Kevin McLaughlin P’12. The projects would come out of President Christina Paxson’s ...

The Setonian
Science & Research

Yoga may offer physical benefits, studies find

When yoga instructors tell you to take a “healing breath,” they aren’t just using a metaphor. Recent studies show that practicing yoga may actually have a significant effect on a person’s physiological well-being. Researchers have studied the effects of yoga on fitness for years. “(Yoga) ...

The Setonian
Science & Research

Prof receives $1.6 million grant to study smoking

A new experiment conducted by Jennifer Tidey, associate professor of psychiatry and human behavior, will examine the effects of different nicotine levels in the cigarettes of depressed smokers. Tidey’s research is part of a new federally funded project to research methods of lessening tobacco use. ...

Science & Research

Lecturer elucidates Mars missions

Mars may have once been a habitable place for life, said John Grotzinger, a project scientist for the Curiosity Rover and a professor of geology at the California Institute of Technology, in a lecture he delivered yesterday in nearly full MacMillan 117. The rover Curiosity landed on Mars after missions ...

The Setonian
Science & Research

Science & Research Roundup: Oct. 9, 2013

Study reveals lasting events of smoking during pregnancy  A 40-year study found that female children of women who smoked or had higher levels of stress hormones while pregnant were more likely to develop nicotine addictions in adulthood, according to a Lifespan press release. The study, which was ...

Science & Research

Lecture explores human perception

When asked if they had seen “The Invisible Gorilla” video, a majority of hands shot up at last night’s visual perception lecture given by Daniel Simons, current head of the Visual Cognition Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. Simons collaborated to create the gorilla ...

Science & Research

New classes integrate science and art

Though art and science often appear contradictory, students in two new classes this semester will have the chance to explore both forms, with some using animation to explain basic science concepts and others exploring the physiological benefits of dance. In VISA 1800: “Communicating Science” and ...

The Setonian
Science & Research

Grant to fund study on school discipline

The Annenberg Institute for School Reform received a $1 million grant in September from the Atlantic Philanthropies to research discipline in four U.S. urban school districts, Oona Chatterjee, co-coordinator of the project and assistant director of the Annenberg Institute’s New York City Organizing, ...


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