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A diamond to the Brown Concert Agency booking chair, who said the musicians students most commonly listed as their preferred Spring Weekend performers were either unavailable or too expensive. We hope this gift will help cover the cost of poaching some top-notch artists from the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival.

A cubic zirconia to the American Dialect Society for deeming “hashtag” the Word of the Year. We like, totally, like #loveit / May YOLO die a quick and painless death.

Coal to Rep. David Bennett, D-Warwick, who asked us to “imagine working three hours for a pizza.” We do, actually — it’s called “jazzercize.”

A cubic zirconia to the junior who said of the Naked Donut Run, “It’s like the Ocean’s Eleven of desserts and nudity.” Great. Just give us a ring when Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts make their appearances.

Coal to the new sorority that may replace Art House’s spot in Harkness. Can’t you two just team up for a Claude Monet-themed toga party?

A cubic zirconia to this year’s flu vaccine, which is 62 percent effective. To the other 38 percent — we wish you the best of luck with phlegm-fest 2013.

Coal to the sophomore who said he hopes the Residential Council’s plan to cluster student housing by class year will “make the housing lottery a lot less stressful.” We’ll be waiting in the wings with some Xanax. Just in case.

A diamond to Professor of Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Sciences Sheila Blumstein, who advised students not to “thoughtlessly book activities into (their) calendars.” We agree. That’s exactly why The Herald’s information sessions — at 2 p.m. on Feb. 9 and at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 11 at 195 Angell Street — should be the only things scheduled in your planners.



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