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The Setonian

Editorial: A community for mental health

As snow blanketed Brown’s campus this past weekend, it marked one of the many firsts of the semester. Maybe this weekend, you finally had a conversation that went beyond, “How was your break?” Perhaps you are a senior shopping one of fabled Adjunct Professor Emeritus of Engineering Barrett Hazeltine’s ...

The Setonian

Editorial: A first step forward

On Thursday afternoon, President Christina Paxson P’19 updated the Brown community on the advancement of the recommendations of the Sexual Assault Task Force’s interim report, formally outlining the administration’s progress and implementation strategies in a number of key areas. While the task ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Cybersecurity — a true academic priority

Cybersecurity, a pillar of President Obama’s State of the Union address Tuesday, may finally be getting the attention experts have sought for decades. In light of North Korea’s recently confirmed cyberattack of Sony Pictures Entertainment, the issue of cyberwarfare has steadily risen to the surface ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Will Prohibition work at Brown?

Brown has banned alcohol from being served at any residence hall parties or fraternity events. Russell Carey ’91 MA’06, executive vice president for planning and policy, and Margaret Klawunn, vice president for campus life and student services, sent a campus-wide email Monday announcing the sanctions ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Progress on combatting sexual assault

In May, President Christina Paxson P’19 formed the Task Force on Sexual Assault to confront the issue of sexual assault on campus. The task force — which currently consists of 17 members, including four undergraduates and three graduate students — convened for 11 weekly meetings, four open forums ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Cap the value of exams

In their first jobs and internships, students realize that the real world operates on a vastly different schedule than college. Work is done at the same time every day, and one cannot simply pull an all-nighter and then sleep through the next day’s lectures. Success is decided not by one all-encompassing ...

The Setonian

Editorial: The value in opening a winter session

Through the long-standing arrangement between Brown and the Rhode Island School of Design, students have the opportunity to take courses at either of the Providence schools. This option opens RISD’s creative prowess to Brown and Brown’s range of departments to RISD. Unfortunately, the difficulty ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Embrace Sex Week

The new and improved Sex Week is slated for mid-March — you should get involved. The Sexual Health Education Empowerment Council and its co-chairs — Anna Hendrickson ’16, Alexandra Sepolen ’16 and Lytisha Wyatt ’15 — have been working hard to plan and promote 2015’s Sex Week. SHEEC, ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Finding our place in Ferguson

The movement surrounding Ferguson and Michael Brown’s death is not merely a controversial issue, it is a civil rights issue. According to data from ProPublica, young black men are “21 times as likely as their white peers to be killed by police.” Furthermore, “blacks, age 15 to 19, were killed ...

The Setonian

Editorial: What we’re thankful for

Blue State, Metro “Mini” Mart, Alice, “1989,” East Side falafel, BBC falafel burgers, Falafel the fish, warm and fuzzies, Wings Over Providence, La Creperie (x5), Chewy Chips Ahoy, capitalists and copy editors. Fresca, late-night chats with Kim, software installation, Advil, twins, our web ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Janus Forum and the freedom of expression

Echoes of last fall’s Ray Kelly incident continue to reverberate on campus, most recently manifesting themselves in the controversy surrounding today’s Janus Forum debate, “How Should Colleges Handle Sexual Assault?” The upcoming forum has come to be defined by one of the speakers: Wendy McElroy, ...

The Setonian

Editorial: A University out of tune

Though Brown’s music program began in 1895 and generates musicians of all types — conductors, performers, rappers, producers, audio-engineers — the University remains the only school in the Ivy League that lacks a suitable large-scale concert hall. Over the past few years, the Department of Music ...

The Setonian

Editorial: A push for peer concentration advising

Choice can be overwhelming. At Brown, with the New Curriculum, this issue is particularly evident. Recently, Dean of the College Maud Mandel stated at an Undergraduate Council of Students meeting, “Advising at Brown is like the Middle East peace for every American president,” because many deans ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Fixing the prison problem

The startling statistics of the prison problem in the United States are often heard through mainstream media. Though the U.S. prison population has been declining for the past several years, the United States still has more prisoners than any other country, even China. The cost of maintaining our federal ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Drying out campus

Margaret Klawunn, vice president for campus life and student services, and Russell Carey ’91 MA’06, executive vice president for planning and policy, sent out an email to students two weeks ago detailing the University’s response to the complaints of two students who, while at Sears House Oct. ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Don’t let history repeat itself

Since last winter, the number of school textbooks deemed unsuitable for Russia’s 43,000 schools by President Vladimir Putin has steadily increased, now numbering in the hundreds. Such systemic control over sources of knowledge eerily echoes Soviet-era policies, when the Communist state acted as the ...


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