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The Setonian

Editorial: OIP should not charge Brown tuition

The Office of International Programs requires that students pay Brown tuition when they spend a semester abroad, regardless of whether the program is Brown-sponsored or not. While we can imagine justifications for such a policy, it still should not cost as much to study abroad as it currently does. Student ...

The Setonian

Editorial: A step forward for football

At 6-foot-2 and 260 pounds, this defensive is a first-team All-American pick and a Southeastern Conference defensive player of the year for the University of Missouri. A likely pick in as early as the third round of the NFL draft, Michael Sam did something this week that no NFL player has done. “I ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Rating the raters

Last Thursday, the Obama administration released more information about its proposed system to rate colleges and universities in the United States. So far, these standards have come under a barrage of criticism, as various players all over higher education wonder how such a ranking can incorporate the ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Sherman’s importance

As of Sunday night, Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman is officially the proud owner of a Super Bowl championship ring. That might dismay many of his detractors, a group that certainly grew in number following his infamous post-game interview with Erin Andrews two weeks ago. The interview occurred ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Maintaining religion’s role on campus

Despite common beliefs that Brown’s campus is more or less apathetic toward religion or even that religious faith is at odds with intellectualism, campus life of late seems to suggest a different trend, for instance this week’s first annual Jewish Film Festival. Still, there is a feeling among the ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Big-time college sports exploit athletes

Last week, football players at Northwestern University voted to petition the National Labor Relations Board for employee status, the first step toward becoming a labor union. This is a welcome challenge to the NCAA, a multi-billion-dollar industry that generates revenue for everyone except the players ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Fully meeting the writing requirement

Brown’s one and only curricular requirement is the writing requirement — an indication of the University’s insistence on a liberal arts education. The writing requirement can be fulfilled by a wide variety of classes, from those offered in the computer science department to classes in cognitive ...

The Setonian

Editorial: The importance of institutional memory

Last week, Provost Mark Schlissel P’15 was appointed to the presidency of the University of Michigan, leaving another administrative position to be filled. As the search for a provost continues alongside an ongoing search for the dean of the College post vacated by former Dean Katherine Bergeron, ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Middle-class students deserve more attention

The start of a new spring semester often marks the advent of the Corporation’s tuition hike. Last year the Corporation announced a 4 percent tuition hike in concurrence with a 5.6 percent increase in financial aid. While we support this recent commitment to better financial aid, focusing on the importance ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Closing the internship gap

Last week, President Christina Paxson announced a renewed commitment to expanding opportunities for students receiving need-based financial aid. By the summer of 2018, these students will be supported for at least one summer to pursue internships or research programs that are not adequately funded. ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Preventing unnecessary loss

Brown will undergo an external review of undergraduate alcohol consumption next semester, The Herald reported Wednesday. The move comes in the wake of a survey in which 45 percent of undergraduates surveyed admitted to binge drinking — an act defined as consuming four drinks for women and five drinks ...

The Setonian

Editorial: What's in a name?

Last year, Gov. Lincoln Chafee ’75 P’14 P’17 was labeled a Grinch and spawned multiple self-congratulatory Fox News segments after insisting the evergreen in the Statehouse be called a “holiday” tree. This year, seeking to minimize the fallout from the non-existent, so-called “War on Christmas,” ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Semesters off can prove rewarding pathway

Many Brown students graduate with a “.5” at the end of their years — a figure signifying that they have taken a non-traditional route in college. So-called “.5-ers” may have transferred from another institution, decided to graduate early or late or taken time off to explore other pursuits. ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Sunlight on 38 Studios

Former Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis once remarked that “sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants,” and Rhode Island is certainly in need of care as the wound that is the 38 Studios debacle remains open. The state lent $75 million to the now bankrupt video game company led by former ...

The Setonian

Editorial: What we're thankful for

Bagels, Brown University Shuttle OnCall, the Creperie, Alice, the 124th Editorial Board, Juan Tien T. Juan, Phelan Huan Twanteetoo, Sven Twintee, Helen Gurley Brown, Trader Joe’s, Taylor Swift, Beyonce and Groverina. “Mean Girls,” Blue State, popcorn, pumpkin, Meeting Street Cafe, sports editors, ...


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