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The Setonian

Editorial: Give the Common App a chance

This year, the Common Application — an organization that standardizes the college admission process for Brown and over 500 schools — introduced its new system, CA4. Unfortunately, this rollout has been characterized by technical difficulties, leaving frustrated students struggling to meet admission ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Don’t ignore sophomores

One of the benefits of Brown is the degree of freedom with which students are entrusted to design their educations. The Open Curriculum is, of course, a major component of this autonomy, and the ability to craft independent studies and concentrations also allows our school to stand out in its educational ...

The Setonian

Editorial: When college admission gets too personal

Over the past several weeks, a number of reports and articles have investigated the extent to which college admission officers consider social media activity when evaluating applicants. The results generally indicate that, while not all colleges or admission officers check out their applicants’ Tweets ...

The Setonian

Editorial: The function of the University

Though the University has recently found itself swarmed in a discourse over free speech and open discourse, this campus conversation has hardly opened novel issues. Brown and its peers have been grappling with the question of appropriate speech for decades, and President Christina Paxson is one in a ...

The Setonian

Editorial: CS growth necessitates increase in resources

On a typical weekday at the Center for Information Technology, hordes of students can be spotted waiting patiently for a turn to access a computer science undergraduate teaching assistant. As recently reported in The Herald, increased enrollment in computer science courses has overwhelmed the University’s ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Why universities still matter

Reports of the death of the university in general — and these days, the University, specifically — are greatly exaggerated. We often read predictions of higher education’s decline — hyperbolic prophecies of a future dominated by massive online open courses, flipped classrooms and distance-based ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Preserving the core of Brown

This past week, The Herald has run a four-part series — “Launching a Legacy?” — exploring the influences shaping President Christina Paxson’s recently approved strategic plan and how the plan, entitled “Building on Distinction: A New Plan for Brown,” will affect the University’s trajectory ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Rationalizing the divestment decision

Students at Brown are quick to support a cause, and their plea for coal divestment is no exception. On Oct. 27, President Christina Paxson wrote an email informing the Brown community that the Corporation would not divest the University’s endowment from major coal companies. “The existence of social ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Disappointment with divestment decision

Last Sunday, President Christina Paxson informed the Brown community of the Corporation’s decision not to divest the University’s endowment from its holdings in large coal companies. Many were disappointed, given the strength and energy of the campaign by student activist group Brown Divest Coal ...

The Setonian

Editorial: The way we were

Memories of the specifics of Ruth Simmons’ presidency are quickly fading, replaced by a larger-than-life mystique. At this point, Simmons is perhaps best known for her prodigious fundraising and sky-high approval ratings, but few may remember that she arrived on campus after a controversial free speech ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Silencing the wrong voices

Yesterday, as almost the entire community is aware, New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly was scheduled to give the Noah Krieger ’93 Memorial Lecture — a privately funded lecture sponsored by the Taubman Center for Public Policy and American Institutions. The lecture was abruptly cancelled ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Let Kelly speak — and respond

This Tuesday, the Taubman Center for Public Policy and American Institutions is hosting Raymond Kelly, the New York City Police Commissioner known for the controversial stop-and-frisk policy, for its Noah Krieger ’93 Memorial Lecture. The lecture is entitled “Proactive Policing in America’s Biggest ...

The Setonian

Editorial: SPG appropriately challenges social norms

Hundreds of students camped outside of Kasper Multipurpose Room Sunday night to secure tickets to one of Brown’s most renowned events of the year: Sex Power God. The Queer Alliance will host the annual party — a venue where attendees are free to explore their sexuality in a safe space — on Nov. ...

The Setonian

Diamonds and Coal: Oct. 18, 2013

A diamond to the student director of “In the Next Room, or the Vibrator Play,” who said, “This was a time before pornography shaped these stereotypes, so these women’s reactions would have been very natural and organic.” We also like our orgasms cage-free, farm-raised and grass-fed. Cubic ...


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