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The Setonian

Editorial: A long way to go

Read one way, the gains the University has made in faculty diversity are remarkable. In less than a decade, the number of racial and ethnic minorities on the faculty has increased by more than 40 percent.

The Setonian

URI's safe ride

The Rogue Island Jitney — a proposed shuttle between the University of Rhode Island and bars in Narragansett — is eliciting furious opposition from school administrators and local leaders. The Providence Journal's editorial page indignantly asked Feb. 13, "What were they thinking?" of state ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Keeping everyone connected

At the most recent Undergraduate Council of Students meeting, the council evaluated a new initiative that would provide alums with permanent Brown e-mail addresses even after graduation. Jake Heimark '11 conceived the idea and has since started working in collaboration with the Alumni Association, Computing ...

The Setonian

Editorial: End prohibition

The coming weeks could bring big changes to Rhode Island's marijuana policy. Not only are state Sen. Joshua Miller, D-Cranston, and Rep. John Edwards, D-Tiverton and Portsmouth, pushing to decriminalize possession of up to one ounce of pot, but the state Department of Health will soon select up to three ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Out of the kitchen

Earlier this month, in a letter to the Brown community, President Ruth Simmons announced an increase in budgeted undergraduate enrollment to 6,000 students. At a time when the number of college applicants is growing disproportionately to available spots, particularly at selective universities, we find ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Don't lose focus on aid

Last weekend, the Corporation convened. This meeting was especially momentous — in December, the University's seven-year Campaign for Academic Enrichment concluded. President Ruth Simmons announced some impressive figures — the fundraising effort raised $1.61 billion, including $311 million ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Clean cuts

By now, most people recognize that the United States' debt is growing at an unsustainable pace. For various reasons, federal deficits and debt have ballooned in recent years. It is clear that Congress will have to make very tough decisions to get the budget back on track.

The Setonian

Editorial: 'Trafficking in stereotype'

National newspapers have been giving Brown a few backhanded compliments these past few weeks. The Associated Press released an article Feb. 5, later printed by the Washington Post and other national outlets, on the new Group Independent Study Project this semester called "Modern Conservatism in America." ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Thought, yes, delay, no

Governor Lincoln Chafee '75 P'14 elicited concern from charter school supporters when he announced last month that he would take a "thoughtful pause" before expanding the state's charter schools. The governor made waves again earlier this month when he shook up the state's Board of Regents, which helps ...

The Setonian

Editorial: The trouble with the double degree

As seniors settle into their last semester, many are double-checking their requirements to make sure that, come May, they will graduate with a bachelor's degree in hand. While some expect to receive degrees from multiple departments, a small contingent will earn both a bachelor's and a master's degree ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Step up for equality

Since its founding nearly 250 years ago, Brown has had a close relationship with Rhode Island, a unique affinity that transcends the happenstance of geography. Together, the University and the state have led the fight together for principles of universal rights and justice, often long before others ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Brown's response to Egypt

Since the political situation in Egypt reached its tipping point these past couple of weeks, we have been impressed with the University's response. Last Monday's panel discussion at the Watson Institute for International Studies on the protests in the Middle East was put together extremely quickly to ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Reconsidering ROTC

Following the passage last year of legislation beginning the process of ending the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, many universities are now reconsidering their stance on the Reserve Officers' Training Corps. In his State of the Union address, President Obama said, "I call on all our college ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Paper cuts

Brown's independent bookstore has long been a point of pride among members of the community. Most other Ivy League schools' official bookstores are actually specialized outposts of Barnes & Noble.

The Setonian

Editorial: Does college actually teach us anything?

Last week, sociology professors Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa made national news with a provocative op-ed in the Chronicle of Higher Education, entitled "Are Undergraduates Actually Learning Anything?" The article previewed their book documenting some unsettling studies on undergraduate education. In ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Mental health on campus after Tucson

The tragic events that took place just a few weeks ago in Tucson, Ariz. — where 22-year-old Jared Loughner opened fire on a crowd, killing six and injuring 14 — raise questions about how colleges deal with mental health issues. Records at Pima Community College show that school officials ...

The Setonian

Welcome back, and don't mind the snow!

The world rang in the new year nearly a month ago, and now we ring in a new semester. For some of us it will be our last at Brown, a bittersweet moment at the intersection of reflection on the past and anticipation for the future. To them we say welcome back, and take some time to enjoy your last weeks ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Greatest hits

Over the course of a semester, the editorial page board sometimes starts to feel like the complaint department. Each day, we try to make a suggestion to improve our school, the surrounding community or higher education broadly. For instance, this fall we've called for:


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