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Self: Why we suspended our MA program in history

In response to The Herald’s April 19 editorial, “The terminal master’s in history should come back,” I wish to clarify the history department’s rationale for suspending that program. I’m grateful for The Herald’s keen interest in, and impassioned defense of, the study of history as a critical ...


Sacks '22: University needs greater diversity of speakers

SPEAK was originally founded in 2017 in order to help ensure the survival of healthy discourse and diversity of thought at Brown. Our 2017 Speaker Report showed that 94.5 percent of the 237 University invited speakers who demonstrated explicit political leanings leaned left politically. A year later, ...


Sahyouni '21: Questioning an assault weapons ban

In the midst of seemingly perpetual mass shootings including the massacres in Parkland, Sante Fe and Christchurch, there are increasingly strong calls to outlaw the purchase of high capacity magazines and the so-called “weapons of choice” for mass shooters: assault weapons. An assault weapon, as ...


Memon '22: An attack in New Zealand, an ideology in the West

In the eighth circle of Hell, Dante describes the fate of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him): “His guts hung between his legs and displayed his vital organs.” Dante goes further to paint, in lurid detail, the prophet’s immense pain and physical deformities. The Inferno’s contemptuous ...


Overall '19: Vote Yes on Divestment

Last month, the United Nations Human Rights Council concluded that Israeli forces’ shooting of over 6,000 unarmed Palestinian protesters in Gaza last year had “no justification” and that these acts “may constitute war crimes.” The report also investigated the deaths of 189 Palestinians on ...


Price '20: BDS: A wolf in sheep’s clothing

Shortly after the United Nations voted in 1947 to partition Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab, the Arab world was incensed. Syria’s then president Shukri al-Quwatli threatened to “eradicate Zionism.” The Egyptian king Farouk declared that the Jews would soundly be driven from ...


Hinch '20: IR concentration needs reform, but not like this

To be honest, I have never been a passionate supporter of the International Relations concentration, and I have spent most of my time at Brown debating whether to continue my studies in IR or pursue a concentration in which I found fewer faults. Yet, as the Watson Institute of International and Public ...


Klein '20: Don’t count out the Cubs

After winning the 2016 World Series, the Chicago Cubs were expected to remain on top of the National League for several more years. Instead, the Cubbies have slid back each season since the championship, losing in the 2017 NLCS and the 2018 NL Wildcard Game. Heading into 2019, the Cubs face their lowest ...


Young '19: What’s in a dinner?

Last week, the Brown community was rocked by an article in the Providence Journal detailing the role that the University played in coordinating a dinner for well-connected students hosted by a wealthy donor. Naturally, these allegations dominated our campus dialogue for the better part of a week. In ...


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