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The Setonian

Brian Judge '11: Haiti: where morality meets reality

As I read the heart-wrenching accounts of people being pulled from the rubble in Port-au-Prince, I couldn't help but wonder what we hope to do for Haiti in the long term. Eventually the streets will be cleared of rubble and the wounds will start to heal. But what comes next?

The Setonian

Editorial: Fee-for-all

Nobody likes hidden fees, as is painstakingly obvious to anyone who has watched television long enough to see advertisements for cell phone service providers, banks, car insurance companies or airlines. Brown, thankfully, does not add extra, undisclosed charges to stated tuition and fees. However, it ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Sext offenders?

In the last week alone, two new reports emerged of prominent individuals using digital technology for unseemly purposes. A former aide to 2004 Democratic Vice Presidential nominee John Edwards alleged that Edwards recorded sexual acts on DVD, and Greg Oden, the top overall pick in the 2007 NBA Draft, ...

The Setonian

Nida Abdulla '11.5: A meal credit or a snack credit?

I feel like someone out there in the intricate corporate web that is Brown is sticking it to me every time I buy food at the Gate, Jo's or the Ivy Room. The other day I missed dinner in the V-Dub, so I decided to go to the Gate for a meal. A meal at the Gate is six bucks, and it bought me a cup of soup, ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Career move

In a recent national survey of college freshmen, 56.5 percent said that future job prospects were a "very important" factor in deciding which school to attend. According to the Cooperative Institutional Research Program at the University of California, Los Angeles, which conducts the survey annually, ...

The Setonian

David Sheffield '11: Don't hesitate to vaccinate!

The second wave of novel H1N1 influenza — the swine flu — is over, and the number of new cases continues to decrease. However, this does not mean that the virus is finished. The 1918 flu swept the world in three waves: first in the spring and summer of 1918, then in the fall, and finally ...

The Setonian

Mike Johnson '11: Money can't buy me ... text

As spring kicks into high gear far too early for any of us to handle, all of our hard-earned summer cash is doomed to spiral (counter-clockwise, since we're in the northern hemisphere) straight down the drain. The city of Providence is looking forward to the Brown community returning to its stores and ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Haiti and Beyond

The earthquake that ravaged Haiti earlier this month was a powerful reminder of the country's deep-seated poverty and political misrule. But it was also a reminder that humans are sometimes powerless against the earth — that natural disasters can kill thousands, wound many more and turn civilization ...

The Setonian

Ethan Tobias '12: Who is this for?

The semesters are always extremely busy, with tons of classes, exams and papers.  On top of all the coursework, students have many extracurricular responsibilities. Most students can barely cram in a social life, let alone an occasional full night's sleep. Overwhelmed by the breadth of work and ...

The Setonian

Kate Fritzsche '10: Is 'good and getting better' enough?

Yesterday, Psychological Services announced its plans to hire a new psychotherapist in order to expand resources available to students. This move will increase the number of free visits students are allowed each year from five to seven, and it should also reduce the waiting time before students are ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Rites of passage

Brown's Warren Alpert Medical School is on track to implement a new standard that will bolster its rising status. After careful consultation with the Medical Curriculum Committee, which includes medical students and undergraduates in the Program in Liberal Medical Education, the school's officials have ...

The Setonian

Mike Johnson '11: Sticky fingers

If you're like me, you look forward to the crime updates that the Department of Public Safety sends us. Perhaps it's a healthy dose of schadenfreude, but the Campus Safety reports are much more interesting to read than Morning Mail messages, as they practically embody an e-mail version of "Cops," minus ...

The Setonian

Simon Liebling '12: Et tu, Ruth?

If there has been a poster child for shameless corporate excess in the throes of the Great Recession, Goldman Sachs — payer of $17 billion worth of bonuses so far this year — must be it. Fortunately, the firm's outlandish compensation, heedless disregard for its civic debts and cynical attempts ...

The Setonian

Editorial: To live and drink in Providence

Trust us: Bar fights aren't all they're cracked up to be. Broken bones, property damage and police calls make Friday nights less fun. These problems are exacerbated when fights spill out of the bar and onto the sidewalk, potentially turning innocent bystanders into collateral damage. Needless to say, ...

The Setonian

Letter: 'Ethical vegetarian' analogy flawed

To the Editor:Regarding Will Wray's '10 column ("Tobin plays hardball," Dec. 2): A Catholic supporting pro-choice legislation is nothing like an ethical vegetarian working on a factory farm. First, an ethical vegetarian, by definition, opposes eating meat for ethical reasons. Being pro-life, however, ...

The Setonian

Dan Davidson '11: Think of the children!

Much was made of the GOP's mid-summer conversion to the party of seniors, despite years of diatribes against Medicare and Social Security. Equally astonishing is Republicans' assertion that by stonewalling the Democratic agenda they are acting as the noble guardians of young people.

The Setonian

Editorial: Give us a break

Ordinarily, we would never recommend that Brown try to be more like Yale or Wesleyan. But in one regard, these schools set an example that we believe Brown should consider following. At both colleges, students trade a shorter winter break for a two-week spring break. By contrast, Brown's schedule strikes ...

The Setonian

Adrienne Langlois '10: There's no vote like home 

Time for a warm and fuzzy moment: after nearly four years at Brown, I've come to consider this University, as well as Providence, another home. While I still look forward immensely to returning home to Asheville, North Carolina each and every break, I equally relish returning to Brown and the surrounding ...


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