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The Setonian

Mike Johnson '11: Shameful walking

When we were little, our mommies and daddies (or other analogous figures) all taught us how to cross the street: left, right, then left again. However, it seems that most students on campus forgot the rest of the lesson, which is that if you see a car in your trinary looking procedure, you need to stop ...

The Setonian

Simon Liebling '12: WTF, PLME?

Over at Alpert Medical School last week, administrators showed their unapologetic disregard for student interests when they sprung a surprise on unsuspecting students in the Program in Liberal and Medical Studies — a decision that we can expect to have precedential repercussions even for us common ...

The Setonian

Editorial: PLME bait and switch

Have you ever had something promised to you and then taken away? Of course you have. For some, it was probably something pretty important, like, say, your ability to make free choices about your career. At this point, if you're a student enrolled in the Program in Liberal Medical Education, we're no ...

The Setonian

Editorial: The Opened Curriculum

Count us among the staunchest supporters of Brown's Open Curriculum. We love that we can register for whatever we want, while our friends at other universities get stuck in required writing classes. We love that we don't have to worry about fulfilling complicated graduation requirements. We love the ...

The Setonian

Alyssa Ratledge '11: Do you know what today is?

Last month, the debate over renaming Columbus Day "Fall Weekend" captured the community's attention for the second year in a row. I have little doubt that next year, we'll see all the same people saying all the same things yet again. Protests and debate on campus and off proved that it will be a long ...

The Setonian

Letter: University should welcome ROTC

To the Editor: After reading Friday's article ("Herald Poll: Students more satisfied with advising," Nov. 6) concerning the results of the recently conducted BDH survey of Brown students, I was disappointed with the choice of title. While student opinion of academic advising is important, I thought ...

The Setonian

Grad students and the Corporation

Last week the New England Association of Schools and Colleges released a detailed report on the University as part of Brown's decennial re-accreditation process. We passed. But for Brown, the review's main purpose was to solicit feedback from leaders at peer schools on how the University might make ...

The Setonian

Letter: Jewelry District already a great neighborhood

To the Editor:We are writing in response to the article about Providence's Jewelry District ("Downtown, big ideas are soon to be tested," Nov. 2). The article suggests that the Jewelry District is empty (of businesses, of Brown University students, etc.) and dead, and therefore ripe for University development. ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Groupthink

As the Herald reported Friday, student involvement in Group Independent Study Projects (GISPs) is well past its heyday. GISPs were most popular in the earliest years after they first became an option in 1969 as part of the New Curriculum. The 1974-75 school year saw 50 GISPs, but more recently, the ...

The Setonian

Jonathan Topaz '12: Increasing the education gap

The majority of Brown students can breathe a sigh of relief that the Rhode Island Senate seems to be turning against the implementation of a student tax. The Oct. 29 Senate meeting did not feature discussion of a potential bill that would tax out-of-state students up to $300 per year, and if the proposal ...

The Setonian

Hahn '10: MLB lessons learned

Now that the World Series is over and the Yankees are once again champions of baseball, the world, universe, whatever, it's a great time to step back and reflect on what we learned. Baseball is a simple game, and here are some simple lessons. Fear the YankeesSaying the Yankees are really good is an ...

The Setonian

Letter: Middle East no simple matter

To the Editor:We would like to address Avi Schaefer's '13 concern about the character of Common Ground ("To those interested in creating peace in the Middle East," Nov. 2). Our full name is Common Ground: Justice and Equality in Palestine/Israel, and our stated mission is to supplement campus dialogue ...

The Setonian

Ivy Chang '10:

Let's say it's just another one of those nights. Every cup from the 12-pack of ramen you bought at the beginning of the semester has become steadily more unappetizing. But you have few other options. Nutella straight from the jar? Stale chips? You schlump downstairs to the communal kitchen to heat up ...

The Setonian

Letter: Committee cares about HEI's labor practices

To the Editor:As current chair of the Advisory Committee on Corporate Responsibility in Investment Policies, a committee representing students, faculty, staff and alumni charged with advising the President and the Corporation on matters relating to the social impacts of the University's investments, ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Farmer Brown

On Tuesday, bioethicist Peter Singer delivered a talk on the ethics of human-animal relations. He contended that humanity has unjustly ignored the interests of animals for the sake of producing meat, and indicted in particular the modern practice of factory farming, which crowds huge numbers of animals ...

The Setonian

Susannah Kroeber '11: Rejected 31 times over

Maine was supposed to be the first. After ballot initiatives failed in thirty states, in each case translating to a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, Maine was supposed to be the first notch in the win column for gay rights advocates. Instead, it followed the herd.

The Setonian

Tyler Rosenbaum '11: Mission accomplished!

You may not have noticed, but Rhode Island is a relatively small state. In fact, you can fit almost 2,500 Rhode Islands into the area of the United States! It also has a relatively small population, as states go. So it may come as no surprise that the General Assembly (the state's legislature) meets ...


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