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The Setonian

Editorial: Expand orientation, move TWTP

As members of the Class of 2013 move on from ADOCH, they begin the long wait until their next major event at Brown: Orientation. We've all been through it, but Brunonians graduating in 2009 and 2010 experienced their first days somewhat differently — mostly because there were more of them. The ...

The Setonian


An article in Thursday's paper ("Wertheimer '10 wins UCS presidency," Apr. 23) incorrectly stated that Juan Vasconez '10 was elected chair of the Undergraduate Finance Board, and that Jose Vasconez '10 was elected vice chair of UFB. In fact, Jose Vasconez was elected chair, while Juan Vasconez was elected ...

The Setonian

Kevin Roose '09.5: As the world interns

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that Brown students love unpaid internships. We love unpaid internships the way Romeo loves Juliet, the way Joanie loves Chachi, the way Angelina Jolie loves adopting third-world babies. Every June, thousands of us leave College Hill and spread across the nation ...

The Setonian

Michael Fitzpatrick '12: (Don't) stop the presses!

I learned to read when I was three. I still remember reading nightly with my father, sitting in his lap with a book in my hands and a blanket around my shoulders. I was brought up on "Green Eggs and Ham," "Goodnight Moon" and "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." I wonder what books my sons and daughters will ...

The Setonian


The editorial in Tuesday's Herald ("Another bump in the wall," April 21) incorrectly stated that Rhode Island teachers are not currently under contract. In fact, Providence teachers are not currently under contract.An article in last Thursday's Herald ("Staff hope for increased child care," April 16) ...

The Setonian

Editor's Note

Earlier this month, The Herald published a letter signed by Philip Kloss '11 ("Transfers a valuable addition to Brown," April 10). Since its publication, the editors have learned that no student with that name is currently enrolled at Brown.

The Setonian

Editorial: Dear ADOCHers

Brunonians are smiling, and for good reason — spring is here at last. Having braved exams and lectures, papers and presentations, we revel in our own triumph, as much as spring's: Sunburns replace shirtsleeves, Natural Light steps in for natural history and grill smoke fills the air. In the coming ...

The Setonian

Anish Mitra '10: Fall Weekend fiasco

In a recent Herald poll, more than two-thirds of undergraduates supported the changing the name of Columbus Day. Heeding students' interests, Brown faculty voted to ensure that next year's holiday will indeed be called "Fall Weekend," killing Columbus Day for good.

The Setonian


An article in Monday's Herald ("Transfer students embrace life at Brown," April 20) incorrectly referred to Melea Atkins '10 as the Head Transfer Student Adviser. In fact, Atkins, Carly Hudelson '10 and Chelsea Harris '09 are transfer orientation coordinators.

The Setonian

Editorial: Another bump in the wall

Last Wednesday, Superintendent for Providence Public Schools Tom Brady handed down some good news. In the coming academic year, six schools in his district will abandon the practice known as "bumping," in which teaching vacancies are filled in order of seniority. The year after that, the entire school ...

The Setonian

Tory Hartmann '11: Blue book exams are the way to go

Christina Domenico, a regular opinions columnist for the Daily Pennsylvanian, the student newspaper at the University of Pennsylvania, recently wrote a column that described the benefits of implementing Securexam, a word processing program that allows students to take in-class exams on their laptops. ...

The Setonian

Letter: HEI misrepresented

To the Editor:Members of the Student Labor Alliance appreciate The Herald's coverage of our presentation Tuesday to the BUCC. However, we would like to clarify a few facts.HEI Hospitality is NOT a union, as the article mistakenly states. HEI is a hotel management company which has taken steps to discourage ...

The Setonian

Letter: Bring students to the Corporation

To the Editor:While the Corporation would likely benefit from the addition of younger members, it is precipitate to set any demographic requirements for candidates. The sole criterion for membership should be the likelihood that a candidate will contribute to the effectiveness of the Corporation. Diversity ...


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