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Andrea Matthews

The Setonian

Andrea Matthews '11: Safer sex on a Saturday night

A disturbing opinions column ran in the Daily Princetonian on Feb. 22 ("The real ‘Sex on a Saturday Night' " by Iulia Neagu). The thesis was that a girl becoming significantly intoxicated is "equivalent to agreeing to anything that might happen to her while in this state," and that a serious injustice ...

The Setonian

Andrea Matthews '11: In which I bite the hand that feeds

A few weeks ago, I attended a standard gathering of The Brown Daily Herald opinions writers and editors to lay down rules and explain the ways of the Herald world. Given that I seldom keep track of my fellow columnists, I was excited to see who else was writing. As I scanned the room, I couldn't help ...

The Setonian

Andrea Matthews '11: What the president needs from you

I remember the scene at Brown University when Barack Obama won the presidency of the United States. From Salomon 101, where the Democrats were hosting a returns-watching party, there was a deep primordial roar. Then, students and streakers rushed onto the Main Green. Hundreds gathered to sing, embrace ...

The Setonian

Andrea Matthews '11: Brown's brain drain

In a few weeks, about a quarter of our population will process out of the Van Wickle Gates and into the real world. But once they're in the real world, where exactly will they go? If I had to hazard a guess, I'd put together a list that goes something like: New York, Boston, D.C., San Francisco, Los ...

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