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Andy Luo

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Post- Magazine

a doggy gift guide [lifestyle]

The holiday season approaches! And with it, (at least for me) comes the stress of gift giving. Giving gifts to humans is hard, so why not put it off by thinking about what to gift your dog? Don’t have a dog? No worries! Feel free to use these gift ideas for a little brother or a friend with a sense ...

Post- Magazine

not a normal dog [lifestyle]

If you are an avid reader of post-, you may have seen my entry a few weeks ago where I proclaimed a gaping dog-shaped hole in my life. It exists because I miss my pup from home, Sara (who is, unequivocally, the best dog, like all dogs). In an attempt to fill this hole in my heart, I’ve reached out ...

Post- Magazine

in search of dogs [lifestyle]

My life at Brown has been largely devoid of dogs. I often go days without seeing a single dog. And I don’t like that. My life at home was filled with dogs—my first sight after opening my bedroom door in the morning, waiting for me on the first step as I tried to go downstairs, sitting on the back ...

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