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Benjamin Smith

The Setonian

Smith GS: Turning down the cacophony

Up until a few years ago, I began each day by reading the newspaper over morning coffee. It was a ritual I looked forward to — a pleasurable, orienting experience that left me feeling comfortable and ready to embrace the day. But these days, I do not feel this way at all when I open my laptop in Blue ...

The Setonian

Smith GS: Building a community for graduate students

Last week, a fellow graduate student and I stopped at a food truck on Waterman Street to buy dinner after class. When I asked him where he wanted to sit and eat, he pointed up the block and said, “that building over there.” “You mean Faunce?” I asked. “Dude, I don’t know the names of these ...

The Setonian

Smith GS: News’ new groove — a liberal reads Breitbart

At the Conservative Political Action Conference last Friday, President Trump intensified his war on the media by berating once again so-called “fake news.” “Fake news doesn’t tell the truth,” Trump said. “It doesn’t and never will represent the people, and we’re going to do something ...

The Setonian

Smith GS: Beyond ‘Pence’s Poodle’

Columnists for major news organizations, like the New York Times, criticize President Donald Trump formulaically: They combine critique of his latest policy decisions with creative personal attacks — many of which are pointed and often amusing. New York Times columnist Charles Blow called Trump a ...

The Setonian

Smith GS: Is graduate student unionization worthwhile?

Last summer, the National Labor Relations Board ruled that graduate students at private colleges and universities in the United States have the right to unionize. The decision marked a historic turning point for graduate students, granting them collective bargaining rights and legal status as employees. Graduate ...

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