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Bradley Silverman

The Setonian

Silverman '13: Minimum wage column flunks on all counts

Recently, Oliver Hudson ’14 argued that raising the minimum wage will increase unemployment (“The $9.00 minimum wage: A policy to increase unemployment,” March 7). His claim is empirically unfounded. A 1994 paper by Princeton economists David Card and Alan Krueger found no employment impact of ...

The Setonian
University News

Twenty-four apply to ROTC committee

Twenty-four undergraduates have applied for the two student seats on the University committee formed to consider the return of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps to campus. According to Diane Mokoro '11, president of the Undergraduate Council of Students, the two undergraduate committee members will ...

The Setonian
University News

Panel talks free speech in court

Wendy Murphy could not believe the judge's order. She was serving as an attorney for the plaintiff in a Nebraska rape case, and the judge had just given her client a number of words she could not use in the courtroom — including the word "rape."

The Setonian

Block Island wind farm closer to construction

Only months ago, Rhode Island's bid to build the nation's first offshore wind farm seemed dead in the water. The state's Public Utilities Commission this spring rejected a proposed pricing agreement between Deepwater Wind — the project's developer — and a power distributor, in part due to ...

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