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Cara Dorris

The Setonian

Dorris ’15: The Ivy League lament

I remember my first technology career fair. There was a girl who couldn’t stop laughing. As resumes were scattered and business cards compared, the artists were separated from the analysts, the social workers from the computer programmers. Soon the laughter turned to tears. Apparently not a single ...

The Setonian

Dorris '15: A perilous precedent

The summer after her first semester as a transfer student, Lena Sclove ’15.5 was allegedly choked twice and raped by a fellow Brown student. Two weeks later, she reported the incident to the Office of Student Life. In October, he was found responsible for four separate offenses under the Brown University ...

The Setonian

Dorris '15: Why we won’t talk about class

It’s Saturday night. I’m at a Brown Divest Coal party, in line for a unisex bathroom, where two girls divide five perfect lines of cocaine. AmEx Card. Platinum. I’m thinking about last March, when Susan Patton wrote a letter to the Daily Princetonian, urging women to find husbands before graduation. ...

The Setonian

Dorris '15: Are you gluten-intolerant or just intolerable?

For years, Steve Jobs ate nothing but fruit — apples, pears, polychrome smoothies blended with precision. To the amateur hypochondriac, it sounds like a classic case of OCD. To the average Brown student, it is a lifestyle choice called fruitarianism. Jobs later died of pancreatic cancer. Some swear ...

The Setonian

Dorris '15: An MRS degree from Brown

The clock is ticking, ladies. Susan Patton recently penned a letter to the Daily Princetonian suggesting that female students find a husband before graduation. She claimed couples that share the same socioeconomic status and interests are generally happier. The letter received severe backlash and ...

The Setonian

Dorris ’15: The truth about torrents

What if there was a way to get all of your textbooks for free? How much would you save? $500? $600? $700, even? Try googling “torrent” and the name of your textbook. I am talking about BitTorrent networks: online tools that enable users to stream material from many different sources at once. These ...

The Setonian

Dorris '15: Snap out of it

It started during spoken word and slam poetry readings. Then it spread to the occasional jazz club and improvisational performance. Now it even occurs during academic discussions. These days, before you see a good idea, you will probably hear it. I am talking about finger snapping — the act of snapping ...

The Setonian

Dorris '15: Why therapy is cool

It's midterm season again. Our stress levels are rising. As the week goes on, listen to the conversations around you. Haven't you heard at least one person jokingly begin a sentence with "My therapist thinks..." or end with, "That's what my therapist said"? Do you ever see self-critical jokes on Twitter ...

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