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Dana Teppert

The Setonian

Grants to boost local knowledge-based economy

This fall, the local "knowledge economy" will get another boost. The Innovation Providence Implementation Council announced recently that it will be awarding $100,000 in grant funding to bolster the local knowledge-based economy.

The Setonian
University News

New efforts to boost U.'s international profile

The University's internationalization initiative — an effort to enhance Brown's profile abroad — has a new leader at its helm and is launching programs to encourage scholarly dialogue and global health research this year.Matthew Gutmann, the new vice president of international affairs, is ...

The Setonian

Janus Forum panel urges tempered climate rhetoric

As the star of the Academy Award-winning documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for his work on climate change, Al Gore has become a well-known face of the campaign against global warming. Yesterday at the Janus Forum panel, "Global Climate Change: The End of the World ...

The Setonian

Scant grant money hinders young academics, study finds

When Jill Rafael-Fortney, an associate professor of molecular and cellular biochemistry at Ohio State University, submitted a grant proposal to the National Institutes of Health to research a new treatment that could prevent heart failure, she didn't expect her proposal to be denied - and then denied ...

The Setonian

Love and lit go hand-in-hand, profs. find

Professor of Comparative Literature Arnold Weinstein recently told his students in COLT 1420T: "The Fiction of Relationship," that they could end up marrying the person sitting next to them. Most students turned their heads and let out a skeptical laugh.

The Setonian

Turkish MP speaks on Kurds' struggle

Sebahat Tuncel, a Kurdish member of the Turkish Parliament, spoke about the his people's struggle for democratic rights in Turkey in a mostly-full MacMillan 117 Thursday night, before a crowd which included students and Providence residents, among them members of the local Kurdish community. The event ...

The Setonian

Proposed plan requires some to purchase health insurance

On Feb. 12, Lt. Gov. Elizabeth Roberts announced her proposal for a new comprehensive healthcare reform package called the Healthy Rhode Island Reform Act. The Act consists of a series of eight bills aimed at expanding health insurance for the 13 percent of Rhode Islanders without coverage, but it does ...

The Setonian

Dems open local offices for campaigns

With the March 4 primaries just around the corner, both the Democratic and Republican campaigns have bolstered their efforts in Rhode Island. For the Democratic contenders from Illinois and New York, Sens. Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton, Rhode Island's 32 delegates are important for a race in which ...

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