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Daphne Cao

Untitled Artwork
Post- Magazine

how to make a dorm a home! [lifestyle]

Move-in day is perhaps the most hectic day of college. It can be an exciting and nerve-wracking time, especially if it’s your first one. Granted, we’re a fair bit away from the next move-in day, but as someone who has already started planning my future room’s color scheme and decorations, I’m ...

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Post- Magazine

note to self [lifestyle]

The trope of memory loss in media, though overused, has always fascinated and frightened me. The idea of losing your memories—the very things that make  you the person you are—and becoming completely unaware of your identity in an instant sounds terrifying.

Top 5 ways
Post- Magazine

top five ways to live [lifestyle]

What does it mean to truly live? Each one of the eight billion lives in this world are distinct, making it hard to consider any experience universal. But I know I can pinpoint moments in my life when I thought “this is why I’m alive.”

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Post- Magazine

the shape of love [lifestyle]

To love is a beautiful ability. To hold another person’s life as more precious than your own, to stir at night remembering the warmth of their touch: there’s little in life we value more.

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