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David Hefer

The Setonian

Hefer '12: How I learned to stop worrying and love lit crit

Literary criticism ­- by which I mean the discipline practiced by the comparative literature, modern culture and media and other related departments - has its fingers in a lot of pies. Race and gender/sexuality studies are rife with critical thought. It seems that each of the humanities has picked ...

The Setonian

Hefer '12: The irrelevance of gender

When confronting a social issue, people mobilize around gender. The transvaginal ultrasound bill, domestic violence and sexual assault are presented as women's issues. Child custody injustices are men's.

The Setonian

David Hefer '12: The aim of activism

Society is a wonderful thing. As Hobbes pointed out, without it life would be nasty, brutish and short. However, despite — and sometimes because of — our cultural and political institutions, some lives are not much better than the state of nature. This is the starting point for the social ...

The Setonian

Hefer '12: The right to public masturbation

As a member of the College Hill community and choker of the occasional chicken, I could not help but take an interest in the recent spate of public masturbatings. While the John Street and the copycat masturbator are doing something reprehensible, they are not necessarily doing anything unjust.

The Setonian

Hefer '12: Isms and an epistemic dilemma

Today, let us start with some truisms. Racism is bad. Sexism is bad. Classism is bad. Any discrimination of this sort is bad. Identifying instances of these things is important. We cannot effect change if we do not know what we have to change.

The Setonian

Hefer '12: Human value as monetary value

The second Steve Jobs died, a dam burst somewhere. Gallons of elegies and eulogies spilled forth, flooding the surrounding low-lying areas with a lot of sentimental goop. People praised Jobs as if he were a real-life John Galt.

The Setonian

Hefer '12: Science and relativism

Here at Brown, we love other cultures. There are student groups celebrating the Taiwanese, German and Greek cultures, among many others. According to the University website, this entire year is dedicated to the "history, politics, culture, arts and economy of China." You can practically smell the multiculturalism ...

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