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Garret Johnson

The Setonian

Johnson '14: The wrong number gets all the attention

Over the past few weeks, thousands of high school seniors around the country went online and discovered whether they had been admitted to America’s most prestigious colleges. Getting into college today is as difficult as it has ever been, and American colleges love to trumpet just how selective they ...

The Setonian

Johnson '14: Abolish the lab report

Many years ago, the elders of education sat down and revolutionized modern teaching. They came up with an invention that taught students to think critically, synthesize data and open our minds to the wonders of science. Indeed, without this development in education, students would be hopelessly adrift ...

The Setonian

Johnson '14: Culture war aggressors

Here at liberal Brown in liberal Rhode Island, we often feel immune from the nationwide struggle with social politics. Personally, I watch the news and feel relieved to live in a place that is — relatively — socially progressive. Like last week, when Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) vetoed SB 1062, a ...

The Setonian

Johnson '14: Rejecting deficit-obsessed groupthink

Last week, the Herald editorial page board released a call for greater efficiency in spending, both at Brown and in Washington (“Editorial: National, campus financial models are unsustainable,” Feb. 12). I agree with the board’s call for less “lavish spending” at Brown. It is hard to enter ...

The Setonian

Johnson '14: Powers '15 misses the point on equality

Everyone can agree that we are all different. Some of us have blue eyes, some have brown. Some of us are tall, some are short. Some people are born with incredible gifts in math and science, while others suffer from learning disorders. Since its founding, the United States has fought bloody internal ...

The Setonian

Johnson '14: College sports and income inequality

If you are a student enrolled in an accredited college or university, I think you should know how to read. That statement isn’t too controversial, is it? How about this one: If you are a student-athlete enrolled in an accredited college or university, I think you should know how to read. Or this ...

The Setonian

Johnson '14: Obamacare is coming to get you ... insured

Get ready, Rhode Island. Open enrollment through the state’s health insurance exchange, HealthSource RI, begins Oct. 1, and boy are things looking scary! Starting next month, Rhode Islanders will be able to shop for a variety of private insurance plans through the exchange. Plans offered on the exchange ...

The Setonian

Johnson '14: Barack Obama for President

Four years ago, America was heading into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Today, the economy is getting better. We have ended the war in Iraq, we are pulling troops out of Afghanistan and Osama Bin Laden is dead. In these trying times, President Obama has provided steady leadership, ...

The Setonian

Garret Johnson '14: Should Obamacare be repealed?

Obamacare attempts to address the three major shortcomings in the American health care system - lack of access, high costs and mediocre quality of care. While there remains work to be done, repealing Obamacare would be a major economic and moral setback for the United States.

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