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Jeremy Jacob

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

BTV mini-series to debut this weekend

"The Circle," a new mini-series created for Brown Television, is set to premiere Saturday at the Cable Car Cinema and Cafe. The show's first three episodes, which were directed by Daniel Byers '08, feature Brown students and alums, as well as Rhode Island School of Design students and professional actors. ...

The Setonian
University News

Program brings African scholars to campus

Nine African scientists and environmental activists will study at Brown this semester as part of a program coordinated through the Watson Institute for International Studies.The scholars, who represent six different African nations, will take classes alongside undergraduates with the hope that they ...

The Setonian
University News

Lagos discusses recession impact on South America

Though its end is nowhere in sight, the current recession could lead to an increasingly globalized world in which developed and developing states will be more inclined to coordinate their economic decisions and policies, former Chilean President Ricardo Lagos Escobar told nearly 50 students, faculty ...

The Setonian

Battle of bands awards one last slot for Spring Weekend

Doss the Artist and PGA Tour was named the winning act in Saturday night's battle of the bands, the Brown Concert Agency's annual student band competition. As the winner of the concert, the band will open for Of Montreal's Spring Weekend show.The competition, which took place at the Underground Bar ...

The Setonian

Students rally for environment in D.C.

Forty Brown students associated with emPOWER drove down to Washington, D.C., this past weekend, joining 12,000 college students from around the country in support of the "Power Shift '09" conference.

The Setonian

Taking advantage of collapse, students head to Iceland

Iceland, the small European island nation, is famous for its hot springs, egalitarianism and medieval sagas. Unfortunately, it is now also known for the collapse of its economy and government in the teeth of the global financial crisis, which has led to devaluation of the country's currency and falling ...

The Setonian

CDC service attracts chatty students

A brightly colored dialogue box popped onto a screen in addition to the two that were already present. Caroline Chiang, assistant director of the Career Development Center, quickly responded to the new conversation, handling three at once.

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