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Jessica Liss

The Setonian
University News

Unpaid internships - and funding - in high demand

Whether it is due to the difficulties students face in landing a paid summer job or their desire to learn more about a potential career path, the number of undergraduates seeking internships has increased. In response to the growing interest, the Career Development Center is looking to hire an internship ...

The Setonian
Higher Ed

University of Wisconsin ends Nike contract

The University of Wisconsin is ending its apparel licensing agreement with Nike because of concerns about displaced workers from factories used by the company in Honduras, Chancellor Biddy Martin told UW's Labor Licensing Policy Committee on April 9, according to a news release.

The Setonian
University News

Brown group opposes proposed changes at Hope

Hope United, a group founded by Brown students and born out of a Swearer Center breaks project, is working to preserve the current schedule and curriculum at Hope High School. This work is in the face of changes proposed by the school district to return Hope to the prior system — when Hope was ...

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

New student installation shares thousand voices

Over 500 individuals' responses to the question "How are you?" coupled with dialogue and interviewers' explanations, radiate from speakers within wooden poles in the audio collage "A Thousand Voices."First formulated in September 2009, the idea for "A Thousand Voices" developed over several months with ...

The Setonian
University News

Middle East experts advocate nuance on Islam

"We would be hard-pressed to come up with a distinctly Muslim value," said Nancy Khalek, assistant professor of religious studies, at "Islam and Governance: The Political Future of the Middle East," a Janus Forum-sponsored panel held Tuesday in Barus and Holley 166.

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