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Kevin Carty

The Setonian

Carty ’15: Tragedy, comedy and Buddy Cianci

After serving 22 years in the Providence mayor’s office, after two forced resignations, after one plea of “no contest” to an allegation of assault with a lit cigarette, after indictment in an FBI probe entitled “Operation Plunder Dome” and after five years in federal prison for racketeering, ...

The Setonian

Carty ’15: Slavery of the past, inherited in the present

Almost exactly 250 years ago today, a slave ship named Sally departed Providence for West Africa. Funded by Nicholas Brown and Company, the Sally sailed east, acquired the first of her 196 captives on Nov. 10, suppressed an uprising in August and reached the West Indies sometime during the fall of 1765. ...

The Setonian

Carty ’15: Every opinion is fallible

I do not agree with John Stuart Mill on everything, but he is far and away the best thinker I’ve ever read on the topic of freedom of speech. The second chapter of his “On Liberty” is filled with philosophical gems, but here’s my favorite quote of all: “The steady habit of correcting and completing ...

The Setonian

Carty '15: Cynicism is easy, and so is naivete

Being naive is easy. Being cynical is easy. The trouble, the test of real engagement with the rest of the world, lies somewhere in between. By naivete, I mean that instinctual, overcredulous belief that others are almost always well-intentioned. When one of your moderate, optimistic friends cannot ...

The Setonian

Carty '15: Identity politics is counter-productive

A few months ago on Facebook, a friend of mine wrote of how one friend’s perspective “as a white male in a fraternity” seemed to guide his opinion about sexual assault policies at Brown. A couple days later, I saw one writer’s opinion explained away by another’s accusation that he was simply ...

The Setonian

Carty ’15: Brown and its hidden conservatism

Though we may be both a bastion and a stalwart of Progressive America, Brown and Brown students will always have their conservative moments, elements and attributes. That should be obvious, but what parts of us do reflect conservatism? That is far from obvious because two of our most Brunonian attributes, ...

The Setonian

Carty '15: Men, manliness and manumission

For centuries and millennia of American and world history, women were commanded by constructs of patriarchy and concepts of femininity that were as oppressive as they were built on bullshit. In the 19th century, the tide began to turn as feminists asserted the belief, long held, that the content of ...

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