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Lauren Schleimer

The Setonian

Schleimer '12: The myth of giving back

For many students at Brown, it seems as though the world beyond College Hill is just waiting for us to change it - and this attitude is fantastic. The passion and sheer optimism that many students display for good causes merit appreciation. Whether it's bringing clean water to the slums of Mumbai, mentoring ...

The Setonian

Schleimer '12: Why it's ethical to eat meat

In March, the New York Times' Ethicist column asked: Is it ethical for humans to eat meat? As omnivores, human beings have always relied on meat as a significant source of nutrition. Evidence of specialized hunting techniques dates back 50,000 years to the origins of human culture. But just because ...

The Setonian

Schleimer '12: What happened to student activism?

Back in October, when the Occupy Movement was spreading like wildfire, The Herald reported that a majority of Brown faculty members think student activism is lower than when they were in college ("Profs see waning student activism," Oct. 25). Among those working here for more than 20 years, 82.6 percent ...

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