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Margaret Yi

The Setonian
University News

BUCC addresses ROTC, proposed team cuts

As of Sunday, only 766 students had responded to a survey issued by the Undergraduate Council of Students last week to collect student opinion on the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, said Katherine Bergeron, dean of the College and chair of the Committee on ROTC, at yesterday's Brown Community Council ...

The Setonian
University News

Nearly half of students approve lifting campus ROTC ban

Nearly half of students approve of lifting the campus ban on the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, according to last month's Herald poll. Around 43 percent of students strongly or somewhat approve lifting the ban, about 24 percent strongly or somewhat disapprove, and the remaining 33 percent answered ...

The Setonian
University News

Initiatives to increase internship availability

Writing resumes, finding internships and interviewing for jobs can be additional burdens to an already stressful academic workload. But initiatives planned by the Career Development Center to improve the career advising and internship search experience will increase the number of internships available ...

The Setonian
University News

Simmons: Increasing revenue 'a defining issue'

Seven top University administrators pulled back the curtain on hot-button issues including the international student experience and faculty tenure during the second annual State of Brown address yesterday in Salomon 101. In a departure from last year's format, which featured a keynote address from President ...

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

Theater festival brings student writing to life

The Department of Theatre Arts and Performance Studies' second annual "Writing is Live" festival — a 10-day event featuring nine fully staged productions, readings and workshops in locations all over campus and downtown Providence — begins tonight with "And Joy," written by Zarina Shea GS ...

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

Research team draws 'portrait' of America

Professor of Sociology John Logan and the Russell Sage Foundation have teamed up to create the US2010 project, a research initiative that aims to study demographic changes in the United States in the past decade using information from the 2010 census and the American Community Survey.

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

Wind Symphony ends with Holst

The Brown University Wind Symphony performed pieces by popular wind band composer Gustav Holst under the direction of Matthew McGarrell, director of bands and senior lecturer in music, for a sizable crowd in Salomon 101 Friday night.

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