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Meghan Friedmann

The Setonian

Student band Off-White rocks Wriston

On Tuesday evening, Wriston Quadrangle rung with more than just the sounds of fraternity brothers playing cornhole and returning students picnicking over Sharpe Refectory take-out. Riffs drifted out from a makeshift stage as Off-White, a student rock band, played for the crowd attending the campus welcome ...

Science & Research

Whitehouse urges action on climate change

The United States needs to wake up to the issue of climate change, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse told approximately 75 students, faculty members and community members Monday afternoon. The crowd gathered in Salomon 101 to hear his lecture after the Public Health Research Day poster session, during which ...

The Setonian
University News

Prof. declares emergence of second Cold War

The United States and Russia have “entered a new Cold War,” announced Robert Legvold, professor emeritus in the department of political science at Columbia, in a lecture Monday to an audience of approximately 50 students, faculty members and community members in the Watson Institute’s Joukowsky ...

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

Media festival addresses gender gap in film industry

From film screenings and panel discussions to a keynote address from a Bollywood actress, the Creative Arts Council’s Feminist and Women’s Media Festival is taking over the Perry and Marty Granoff Center for the Creative Arts and the Cable Car Cinema for a series of free events this weekend.   Planning ...

The Setonian

BRYTE unites refugees, student tutors

Christine Pappas ’14 tutors a 9-year-old girl from Burundi, but she is not always the one doing the talking. “I’m constantly asking her to teach me things,” Pappas said — her tutee would like to become a teacher one day. “She has been really fortunate and has had really dedicated teachers ...

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