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Warren Jin

The Setonian
University News

Progress on S&J recs remains steady

In the three-and-a-half years since the University Steering Committee on Slavery and Justice issued its report on Brown's former links to the slave trade, steady progress has been made on its recommendations — which included creating a slavery memorial, a center for the study of slavery and justice ...

The Setonian
University News

Med Ed building forces office relocations

In order to make room for the new Medical Education Building in the Jewelry District, offices at 222 Richmond St. have been relocating for the past year — most recently, the Education Alliance, a department that works for education equity, on March 22.

The Setonian
University News

Speaker: Puerto Rico leads LGBTQ mov't

Puerto Rico "is on the forefront" of advancing LGBTQ rights, Pedro Julio Serrano, a leader of the LGBTQ movement in Puerto Rico, told a small gathering of about 30 in List 120 Monday evening.The event, QUEERican, is part of the Third World Center's annual Puerto Rican Identity Week, said event organizer ...

The Setonian

Compactor puts the squeeze on waste

A new gray and black BigBelly Solar Compactor arrived on Dec. 18 in front of the Sharpe Refectory. The compactor outside the Ratty is the first such receptacle on campus, which was installed as a collaboration between the Brown EcoReps program and Facilities Management.Slightly larger than the average ...

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