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Young Seol

The Setonian

Seol '14: A novel solution to the textbook problem

The steadily rising cost of textbooks is a problem that plagues all students. Opinions columnist Jan Cao '13 recently argued against costly textbooks ("Calculus and pirates," Sept. 28), citing students' "right to knowledge." And while Cao says, "I will not go so far as to suggest that we should all ...

The Setonian

Seol '14: Setting a new precedent

Collective bargaining rights — the right of employees to cooperate to achieve agreements on issues such as wages, working hours, workplace safety and grievance mechanisms — have recently made headlines. Yet belying such mainstream media attention is a facet of collective bargaining rights ...

The Setonian

Seol '14: The program in lax medical education

"The goal of Brown's PLME is to graduate doctors, scholars and leaders in medicine who have been exposed to a wide, sensitizing view of the human condition." So reads the educational philosophy of Brown's Program in Liberal Medical Education. On paper, the spirit of the PLME is admirable. Train doctors ...

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