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The Setonian

Braslow '14: A dance dance revolution?

It's a common dilemma for any skill-based student group on campus: Do we take in students who already show talent or inexperienced ones who will enable us to expand student opportunities at Brown? Ideally, students would be able to step through the Van Wickle Gates and try their hand at any activity ...

The Setonian

Liebling '12: The Simmons legacy

No prospective student priced out of Brown has ever been the talk of campus. There have been no Associated Press obituaries lamenting the loss of tenure, teaching or the university-college. But as we bemoan the departure of Brown's most beloved president, let us interrupt the admiration for a moment ...

The Setonian

Cao '13: Calculus and pirates

One of my friends is taking her first college math class. Being a humanities student, she just bought her most expensive textbook yet — a 2011 edition of James Stewart's "Calculus" for $180. The past editions cost no more than $30. Some can even be downloaded online for free.

The Setonian

Henriques '12: Evaluating grades

At some point in your college career, you've encountered them — the person who, upon learning that you go to Brown, quizzically says, "Isn't that the school without any grades or something?" You gently correct them, laughing at their naivete. But while they may be misinformed, they ought to be ...

The Setonian

Trupin '13: Celebrating 10 years of the Worker Rights Consortium

In the pre-dawn hours of Sunday, Feb. 20, 2000, campus police entered Chancellor David Ward's office at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, ordered a group of students within to get on their knees and put them in handcuffs. These students were part of a group of over 150 who had been occupying Bascom ...

The Setonian

Moraff '14: These comics are not very good

If I know Brown students, and I don't, there's nothing we enjoy more than cracking open a fresh Providence Journal. The Journal has one huge difference from the New York Times — the comics page. Every day, bright-eyed citizens across the state flip to the back of the paper and drink in the funnies, ...

The Setonian

Enzerink GS: The great subjects merit more attention

After watching the first Harry Potter film once again, a friend remarked that he wished all libraries had "a badass Restricted Section full of secrets and mysteries to be solved." His sentiment is certainly not unique — who wouldn't want to be the next Harry, stumbling upon references to something ...

The Setonian

Seda '12: Are we humans, dancers or both?

Every fall, students of all class years join in the fun during shopping period and attend the Activities Fair at the Olney-Margolies Athletic Center. It's close to impossible not to be dazzled by the myriad of student organizations that, stretched out along the indoor track, seem to open up new possibilities ...

The Setonian

Cook '13: How is ROTC dangerous?

After reading the recent column by Julian Park '12 ("ROTC expansion threatens the integrity of our community," Sept. 19) I was baffled as to the specific point for which he was trying to argue. Park assumes from the start that the Reserve Officers' Training Corps is harmful to Brown, and by the end ...

The Setonian

Carter '12: Up on the stage

The Brown Concert Agency faces a lot of criticism. Spring at Brown is marked not only by warmer weather and more lounging on the Main Green but also by the noticeable increase in complaints directed at this one student-run organization. Some students are unhappy with the selection of musical acts for ...

The Setonian

Lebovitz '14: Hear him out

Those of us who care little for the New England Patriots might have spent last Monday night watching a different sort of game — CNN's Republican Presidential Primary Debate. Located in sunny Tampa Bay, Fla., the debate was what you would have expected: a dog pile on the Republican front-runner, ...

The Setonian

Seol '14: Setting a new precedent

Collective bargaining rights — the right of employees to cooperate to achieve agreements on issues such as wages, working hours, workplace safety and grievance mechanisms — have recently made headlines. Yet belying such mainstream media attention is a facet of collective bargaining rights ...

The Setonian

Rosenbloom '13: Shielded from the costs of war

On Sept. 11, the University hosted a service commemorating the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks against our country. While none of us will ever forget the tragedy of that day, I'm afraid it's all too easy to feel disconnected from the war on terror that ensued. Like so many Brown students, ...

The Setonian

Hefer '12: Science and relativism

Here at Brown, we love other cultures. There are student groups celebrating the Taiwanese, German and Greek cultures, among many others. According to the University website, this entire year is dedicated to the "history, politics, culture, arts and economy of China." You can practically smell the multiculturalism ...

The Setonian

Fast '12: Eschew college rankings

The U.S. News and World Report recently released its annual list of America's top universities, and given the intensity of public reaction to Brown's ranking alongside Cornell as the worst in the Ivy League ("No news in U.'s U.S. News ranking," Sept. 14) — a fate certainly worse than death — ...

The Setonian

Carter '12: A modest proposal

Brown imposes few requirements on its students. This is one of the reasons many of us are here. The New Curriculum is treated as something sacrosanct, even if many of us do not fully understand the complex processes that led to its development and enactment. Here on College Hill, academic freedom is ...

The Setonian

Enzerink GS: Avoid multi-monoculturalism, embrace all

Brown's student body is a vibrant mix of nationalities. As an Ivy League school with plenty of media coverage — especially after a certain British actress became one of the many internationals on campus — Brown captures the imagination of thousands of high school students all over the world. ...


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