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The Setonian

Editorial: Do not target legal immigrants

A committee in the Rhode Island State Senate heard a bill late last month that would require businesses with at least three employees to use E-Verify, an online database that checks a job applicants' eligibility to work in the United States. The bill is meant to discourage businesses from hiring unauthorized ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Iway or the highway

Over the last several weeks, a significant amount of downtown land in Providence was freed up when the state began the final stages of removing the ancient vestiges of Interstate 195's former path through the city. This is the culmination of a 10-year construction project, known as the Iway, whose astronomical ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Chanin '12 for UFB chair

Beginning tomorrow at noon, students will have 48 hours to vote for chair of the Undergraduate Finance Board. We strongly encourage students to read up on the campaign and cast a ballot. As the organization in charge of apportioning funds to student groups, UFB plays a major role in our lives on campus. ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Elephant in the room

Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan visited the University of New Hampshire Monday, the same day President Obama officially announced his campaign for re-election. But this visit was no campaign rally. Instead, Biden and Duncan kicked off an effort to remind public schools ...

The Setonian

Editorial: College overload

As Brown's admissions statistics for the class of 2015 roll in, current students may find themselves wondering if they would have survived the selective cut had they been high school seniors applying this year. In the face of a shrinking acceptance rate, it's no secret that one's chances of getting ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Academics trump politics

Over the last several months, you may have heard unsettling stories of the ongoing political skirmishes in far-off states like Wisconsin and Ohio. Particularly in Wisconsin, whose capital is home to a large university, students have played large roles on both sides of the ongoing protests.

The Setonian

Editorial: Coca-Cola presents: your thesis

Things are heating up — but not too much in Providence, unfortunately. This past weekend, Congress continued a hotly partisan battle over federal spending for the rest of this year, providing a preview of the even worse fighting over next year's budget yet to come. As lawmakers continue to skirmish, ...

The Setonian

Chill out

Ever since the Spring Weekend lineup was finalized last week, we have been hearing murmurs on campus. Some have already seen TV on the Radio perform in Providence. Some have never heard of any of the supporting acts. Others have billed Diddy a washed-up celebrity rather than performer. So we feel it ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Old books and new technology

It is easy to forget that the University Library, occupying multiple locations and offering a staggering array of books as well as computers and study spaces, had humble beginnings. Brown's first president, James Manning, wrote in 1772, "At present we have but about two hundred and fifty volumes and ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Textbooks and taxes

It hardly needs to be reiterated that the country is going through tough times and that government bottom lines at every level throughout the nation have been battered by the resulting loss in revenue and increase in welfare expenses. Rhode Island has been particularly hard-hit, with the fourth highest ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Fostering community

Earlier this month, The Herald reported that the Office of Residential Life is considering a reorganization of on-campus housing that would concentrate first-year dorms and dining around either Keeney or Pembroke campus. Though these plans are only in the preliminary phase, we applaud this effort to ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Keeping sight of Haiti

We, like the rest of the international community, are horrified by the destruction in Japan. Search and rescue teams continue to work around the clock to find missing people while the country deals with emergencies at its nuclear power plants. Just yesterday, the chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Class conscious

Last February, the ad hoc Organizational Review Committee released its recommendations for how Brown could reduce its budget by $14 million. The committee's charge implied a commitment to cutting out excesses, rather than eliminating services important to students' needs.

The Setonian

Editorial: Stomp out the vote

One of the major sources of student unrest during the Vietnam War was this simple injustice — although 18- to 20-year-olds could be forcibly shipped off to fight in a foreign war, the vast majority could not vote at home. In 1971, Congress and the states, recognizing the unfairness of preventing ...

The Setonian

Editorial: A Bridge to opportunity

Graduation may still be months away, but it is already a safe bet that few seniors will stay in Rhode Island to begin work. Dan Egan, president of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Rhode Island, told The Herald last week that the state retains fewer graduates from Brown than ...

The Setonian

Editorial: The practical value of a humanities degree

Last month, a Herald article ("Humanities departments tout practicality," Feb. 24) reported that Brown has maintained a relatively constant number of concentrators in the humanities, even in the face of a decreasing national trend. We find this heartening given the temptation to forsake one's passions ...

The Setonian

Editorial: IR is on the right track

International relations is one of the largest concentrations at Brown and by far the biggest without a department. So it is not surprising that a recent change in the concentration's requirements precipitated a widespread brouhaha on campus. Though the revisions include a few minor changes, perhaps ...


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