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The Setonian
University News

BioMed budget a balancing act for 2011

A large hit to the Divison of Biology and Medicine's endowment has been offset by an increase in research grants, but the sour economy has complicated some initiatives, such as a drive to increase financial aid for medical students, according to BioMed officials.

The Setonian
University News

Students rally for climate change action

A group of Brown students joined members of the Providence community Saturday at Waterplace Park to participate in the International Day of Climate Action.The event was organized in cities across the world by, an international campaign devoted to publicizing the dangers of climate change and ...

The Setonian
University News

Philosopher diagrams liberty, natural law

"Liberty is something you achieve. It is not an automatic given," philosopher Peter Kreeft told a Salomon 001 audience Friday afternoon during the Brown-Rhode Island School of Design Catholic Community's annual lecture.Kreeft, an author and professor of philosophy at Boston College and the King's College, ...

University News

When building Brown meant burning bridges

Bracketed by the Van Wickle Gates and Soldiers Arch, Brown's bustling campus 50 years ago reached little beyond the Main Green and Lincoln Field. A residential neighborhood of old colonial homes and stately Victorian mansions extended right to its doorstep. Today, the University sprawls over most of ...

The Setonian
University News

Students mind their Ps and Qs

The number of reported incidents involving underage drinking and copyright infringement at the University decreased this past year, according to Margaret Klawunn, vice president for campus life and student services. Overall, violations declined slightly.

The Setonian

House to revise legislation next week

Members of the Rhode Island House of Representatives can expect to deal with unfinished business — including a change to prostitution law — when they meet for a special session next week. The House will also hold talks on the economy before next year's session, Speaker William Murphy, D-Dist. ...


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