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The Setonian
University News

BUCC meeting details tight budget

Providing a glimpse at preliminary planning for the University's fiscal year 2011 budget, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Beppie Huidekoper emphasized to the Brown University Community Council Tuesday that budget cuts will loom large for planners well into next year.

The Setonian
University News

Sophomore cooks up cake, business

In high school, her classmates' parents hired her to make cakes — but it wasn't until last semester that Kelly Schryver '11 created TillieCakes, her own cake-baking company. "Kids on campus cannot get custom cakes from scratch very easily," Schryver said. "Either you go to Coldstone's or trek ...

The Setonian
University News

Student-designed toys help kids with motor disorders

Ask a child if he would rather do physical therapy or play with a remote control car and the answer will be obvious. But now researchers at Brown and the Rhode Island School of Design have designed a way for him to do both, by creating toys specially developed for children with neuromuscular diseases. ...

The Setonian

Budget proposal unsigned by Carcieri

Governor Donald Carcieri '65 announced last week he would neither sign nor veto the Rhode Island legislature's budget-balancing proposal, passed two weeks ago by both houses. Without his signature, the $7.2 billion plan became law last week.

The Setonian
University News

Columbus change spurs response

The faculty's decision last week to rename Columbus Day "Fall Weekend" on the University calendar has garnered more attention both locally and nationally than the average code revision, with Providence mayor David Cicilline '83 and Rush Limbaugh, the high-profile conservative pundit, among those decrying ...

The Setonian
University News

U.'s $215 million wish-list not likely to be funded

Looking to grab a share of the federal economic stimulus bill, Brown has submitted funding requests totaling $215 million to the state's Office of Economic Recovery and Reinvestment for five proposed construction projects. The proposals, which according to Brown would create a total of 460 jobs, include ...

The Setonian
University News

Brown-RISD dual degree accepts just 3.5 percent

Brown may have set a record for admissions stinginess this year — just 10.8 percent of undergraduate applicants got in — but a spot in the College was not College Hill's most difficult ticket to punch.That distinction goes to the fledgling Brown-RISD Dual-Degree program, which invited just ...

The Setonian
University News

Longtime psychiatry chair resigns

Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior Martin Keller will step down as chair of the department this June, amid ongoing federal scrutiny directed at him and other researchers with financial ties to pharmaceutical companies.

The Setonian
University News

Across campus, puzzlers get down with Shortz

The room was silent except for the squeak of markers against whiteboards. Messy letters filled the boxes, building corners with words intertwined. As white space disappeared, the crowd held its breath until, suddenly, Aaron Mazel-Gee '09 took a step back and threw up his hands. He had finished.


Homeless, advocates demand share of stimulus package

Video by Hannah Moser.   A crowd of nearly 200 people gathered in the State House rotunda Thursday afternoon, calling for legislators to use federal stimulus money to help those who have lost their homes due to foreclosure, eviction or job loss. The rally was organized by 10 groups, including ...

The Setonian
University News

Students support 'Fall Weekend'

More than two-thirds of Brown undergraduates favor changing the name of "Columbus Day" on the University calendar, according to a Herald poll conducted earlier this month. Though 27.2 percent of students polled indicated that they would like the holiday to remain "Columbus Day," 67.2 percent said they ...

The Setonian

Local businesses suffer in economy

View Larger Map It's been a long, hard winter for local businesses. As the economy continues to unravel, shop owners on the East Side have been forced to dramatically alter their business strategies to stay afloat. With sales significantly down from this time last year and limited cash available for ...


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