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The Setonian

Stapleford '21: Against the disability identity center

On March 12, 1990, over 60 physically disabled individuals threw themselves out of their wheelchairs, abandoned their crutches and left their walkers behind, dragging themselves up the 78 steps of the capitol building in Washington, D.C., to protest the delay of the long-awaited passage of the Americans ...

The Setonian

Young ’19.5: Vote yes on #FullDisclosure

Today, the Brown community will be faced with a fundamental choice. Between 12 p.m. Tuesday and 12 p.m. Thursday, we will be able to vote on not only a new set of candidates for the Undergraduate Council of Students and the Undergraduate Finance Board, but also on a ballot referendum to re-examine the ...

The Setonian

Israel '21, Rock '19: Guns are not a mental health issue

In the wake of every mass shooting in this country, there are two responses: 1) We need stricter gun control legislation, and 2) we need to improve the mental health of U.S. citizens. Both of these statements are true, but one is far more relevant to the urgent issue of gun violence in America. Psychiatrists ...

The Setonian

Boury ’20: Advocating for ideological diversity at Brown

In 2001, newly instated President Ruth Simmons famously responded to controversy surrounding a racist advertisement in The Herald by stating that “it is easy enough to exist in a realm where everyone is like-minded and speaks only of unimportant matters. That’s easy. While comfort may be found in ...

The Setonian

Ulichny: Brown’s elementary MAT program gets it right

As director of the elementary Master in Teaching program from 2000 to 2009, I’d like to make a case for not only continuing the elementary MAT program but financially supporting it more robustly than it has been. During my tenure as director, I authored an annual comprehensive report for four consecutive ...

The Setonian

Powell: Dispelling legacy myths should help focus on access

In recent weeks, there has been a call for full disclosure about the role that “legacy” status plays in the college admission process at selective institutions. At Brown, legacy applicants are those whose mother or father, or both, received an undergraduate degree from the University, and who seek ...

The Setonian

August '19, Rock '19: Beware the PTP

In response to recent debate about the Brown Political Theory Project, we feel the need to warn students that the PTP is not a center for “thriving intellectual discourse,” in the words of Daniel Shemano ’19. Instead, we must be critical of what it means to have a political center on our campus ...

The Setonian

Shemano '19: In defense of the Political Theory Project

Over the past few months, we have seen the narrative that Brown’s PTP is a corrupted right-wing think tank at the mercy of the Koch brothers gain acceptance on campus. This narrative alleges that the “Koch-backed” Political Theory Project has an agenda to manipulate helpless Brown students into ...

The Setonian

Tomasi: The Political Theory Project and the essence of Brown

I am the director of Brown’s Political Theory Project. The mission of the PTP is to investigate the ideas and institutions that might make societies free, prosperous and fair. We focus on the interplay of democratic and market-based ideals, with a commitment to examining issues from a variety of ideological ...

Science & Research

Kaufmann '18: Data (mis)match

Math dictates almost every process in our lives: It can determine if an infectious disease will become an epidemic, how quickly a biochemical system will reach its equilibrium and the circumstances under which a certain species will become extinct. However, though I am firm in my conviction that math ...


Fitzpatrick '20: Marching toward a better movement

Last week, thousands gathered on the Smithsonian Mall for the second Women’s March on Washington, commemorating the one-year anniversary of both Trump’s presidency and the record-breaking day of protest that followed. Some pulled out their bright pink “Pussyhats” for the occasion, while others ...

The Setonian

You '20, Kim '18: In support of undocumented Asian immigrants

National media attention surrounding the issue of immigration has largely centered on President Trump’s derision of  “bad hombres” from “shithole countries” — specifically those from Latin America. Immigration activists’ focus on Latinx undocumented immigration is, of course, justified: ...


Hood ’17.5: Don’t invite Chelsea Manning to Brown

Matthew Ricci GS and Babak Hemmatian Borujeni GS published an op-ed in The Herald Wednesday asking that Brown University and the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs offer Chelsea Manning — a former Army intelligence analyst responsible for the 2010 leak of government documents — ...


Savello ’18: Calling out catcalling

About a year ago, while I was walking down Thayer Street one afternoon, a man told me he liked my dress. Pleased with the compliment, I thanked him as I continued down my path, only to hear him shouting after me: “It would look better off!” Infuriated and embarrassed, I turned around to say something, ...


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